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  • MyBabyBay

    • Front Seats

      My children are always fighting for front seats. My gal wants to get close to the air cond and my boy just wants to fight with her. Sigh. I rarely get to sit in the front. Funny, when they are in my brother’s car, Avanza, both want to sit right at the back.

      They like to compete with one another and guess who doesn’t like to lose? No prize for that, it is always the younger one.

      My solution to this, Mon, Wed and Fri, Tim gets to sit in front. Tue, Thurs & Sat, Emily gets to sit in front. Of cause, Sun is left for me. No more fighting and they are happy with the arrangement.

      I find that they behave better if there is a rule. Maybe the papa introduced rules when they are in a young age. Now they are train to follow it, not 100% but good enough to have some peace.

      Published on April 13, 2010 · Filed under: Parenting;

    3 Responses to “Front Seats”

    1. Ian, being the one and only and no one to fight with prefers the back seat as he can have all the space to himself. Haha…

    2. We haven’t reached the stage whr they’ll fight for the front seat. If they do, I’ll jes tell them, “Fight n no one gets to sit in front, FOREVER.” muahaha

    3. My 2 older girls love to fight for the middle seat. We set a rule for them too – #1 sits in the middle when we go out and #2 sits in the middle when we come back or vice versa.