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  • MyBabyBay

    • First Report Card

      My son received his first report card yesterday from his preschool. Very good progress he made. He got quite a character. He is a shy boy in public and in school. Trust me, he is not shy when parents around. He will yak yak yak yak, non stop.

      His teacher also told me that he has a little stubborn character. A little??? Sometimes if he doesn’t want to do anything, he will not do, although he knows and understand. No matter how much the teacher and his friends persuade him, he will not move. If he is in the mood, even if you don’t ask him, he will do it. He will dance and sing non stop.

      His counting, writing, singing, words recognition and dancing are excellent. Colouring is improving. Oh well, I don’t care much of his progress at this stage. I hope that he just keep having fun in school and with his friends. He has a couple of good friends there.

      One of his good friend, I must really salute the parents. The parents will send the kid to school very early, say 7:30am. The kid will be in his no wrinkle uniform, hair combed and with a fresh look every morning. My son, he will be still in his pyjamas and with a sleepy face. He just refuses to change into his uniform in the morning. He has no problem when the teachers change him. I just let it be.

      Published on June 23, 2005 · Filed under: Parenting;

    2 Responses to “First Report Card”

    1. Smart boy….he isn’t a GD kid right and yet peform good result!

      Yuup, the most important thing is he is happy at the pre-school.

    2. wow…..nursery also has report card…that’s something new 🙂 and good thing he’s enjoying himself there, that’s the most important