Verse Of The Day


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  • MyBabyBay

    • Naughty Moments

      Sorry I painted 2 goodie-2-shoe children. Actually both have their naughty moments that drive me crazy.

      Moment #1

      I bought both of them a book that look like a phone that rings. Wow, now they have their own handphone. One is blue and the other is orange. Emily likes the blue one. When Tim is playing with the blue, Emily will cry for it. Fight starts, no punching or anything but noise fights.

      Moment #2

      Both given a bottle of Yakult to drink. Tim will take his own sweet time to sip. Emily will sip it all in 1 breath. She will eye on kor kor’s bottle and will want to grab it. Tim will protect it by screaming. Noise fights again.

      Moment #3

      I have 2 potty, one red and one orange. Both will attack the same color potty. I don’t know why, I guess fighting is part of their growing up.

      Moment #4

      Mummy sat down on the floor to watch TV quietly. Along came Emily, sit on mummy’s lap. Tim will come and squeezed his butt into mummy. End up, both will be on top of mummy.

      Moment #5

      Tim dislikes doing his homework. Actually he is still too young to understand what homework is. One time, he has such a strong will, no matter how I bribe him with chocolates, sweets, jelly, all his favorites, yet refuse to do. He just stared at his book and refused to pick up the pencil. However when he is in a good mood, he will just do.

      Moment #6

      Both want to go downstairs. Both ask daddy to give them a piggy back ride, we called it “horsy”. Both cry at once, wanting daddy to carry them both at the same time. Daddy created “double horsy” that is carry 2 (>28kg) on his back.

      And the fights go on….. Fortunately I have 1 boy & 1 girl. Sorry twinsmom, next time if yours fight for the same boyfriend, not sure what you can do.

      Published on February 28, 2006 · Filed under: Emily, Parenting, Timothy;

    7 Responses to “Naughty Moments”

    1. another -ve factor to consider before thinking of second baby 🙁

    2. luckily only noise fight..

      I was shocked to read a news about the 4yr old who beat his 2yr old brother to death over a bicycle..

    3. cute…That’s y whenever I buy birthday gifts or anything for my nieces, I’ll make sure it’s either the same thing or same colour. Or else they’ll be fighting.

    4. Siblings fighting over things are normal. Destinee will fight over things with mommy! Mommy wants to watch a particular programme, she’ll be taking control of the remote control (yup, she knows how to press Channel 63 – Astro’s Disney programme). Mommy’s eating an apple and she has been given a piece, she wants mommy’s whole apple! 😆 (kekeke, sometimes it’s fun ‘fighting’ with her)

    5. Just like my home, but i got 3 want to sit on my lap in the same time 🙁 Fighting game start, finally mommy stand up dun let them sit on it.

      My son just like Tim, call him do homework (luckily long time once) he will look here and there, want mommy hold his hand to color.

      My gals also like to fight the same thing, after gave Carol/Carrie another toy Carrie/Carol will also want that toy.

    6. till I read to the last line :lol:… I kind of think you are writing about my twins hahaha…
      there are reason why I bought same colour, same pattern, same kind of everything for them.
      I really don’t know leh, boyfriend still OK, fight for hubby lagi teruk!!!!

    7. michelle said on

      Egghead: Now I have to write a post on the advantage of having 2 children. 😮

      Zara’s mama: Yeah I too read the same news and was saddened by it. 😥

      Sabrina: Just have to teach them to share, cannot always give in.

      Tracy: That is why, until now I never allowed my children to touch the DVD player or the TV. Hehehe…but teach them to hand me the remote control. 😛

      1+2mom: Yeah 3 is a real crowd now, but you will see the advantages when they all grown up. At least when you are old, you have 3 children to look after you.

      Maria: Feel free to copy my post and paste it on your blog but change the names…:lol: