Verse Of The Day


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  • MyBabyBay

    • Signal All The Way

      Everywhere I go, I have signal. You want to know why? Thatโ€™s because I have 2 yellow man following me. Yes, it is handphone signal I am talking about. Look!

      Oh, the only place I do not have signal is when I am at work. Yeah, my company do not allow non-employee to enter. Once my hubby had to drop me at the guard house because my son was in the car. It is so different compare to other sites. I have seen a father bringing her gal into the office in US. Anyway, I wished to take my children in to where I work some day. Maybe family day!

      Published on December 15, 2007 · Filed under: Parenting;

    8 Responses to “Signal All The Way”

    1. so cute, the two lil yellow felo.

      sometimes, i do bring my children to office. normally on sat when i need to work full day and i drag them along to keep me occupied. ๐Ÿ™‚

    2. hahaha …. good one!

      yeah, the only time probably i can bring my kids to office is family day.

    3. last time when we work, we working mothers always say the only time to REST is at work, where we are free from the kids !

    4. He,he…two cute lil yellow man….I can bring my kids to my office, but, I dare not – in office, I’m ‘overly’ busy and no time to entertain them at all…

    5. I will follow you… (*singing*)

    6. sooo cute some more 2 of them also in yellow..

    7. Got signal but don’t answer the phone… hmmmm…

    8. eh…but hp do have kids day where they babysit 1 day for u and allowed to tour the site ๐Ÿ˜‰