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  • MyBabyBay

    • New Year Fever

      Emily greeted me with a New Year Fever. I meant the real fever with 38.5°C. All her usual go-to clinics were closed. Fortunately one of the branches was opened and there was a paed on duty. Apparently Emily has a very red or sore throat. The paed prescribe Emily’s usual antibiotic called “Zithromax”. Zithromax works wonders for her. Every time she has a sore throat, she will be back to normal after 1 doze of it. Of coz, she had to finish the entire course of the antibiotic to be effective.

      That’s how I started 2009. Not a good year right?

      Have a blessed year ahead!! Happy New Year.

      Published on January 1, 2009 · Filed under: Parenting;

    7 Responses to “New Year Fever”

    1. Happy New Year to you too!! Wow, I really phobia when I hear of high fever and sore throat nowadays after Isaac’s fever experience….but, nice to hear she is alright now…

    2. Oh dear, not good indeed. Did the paed say why antibiotics was required?

    3. michelle said on

      Paik Ling: It is probably a bacteria infection called strep throat.

    4. I hope Emily is feeling better now…

    5. hope she recover on time to start school

    6. oh dear… hope shes ok now

    7. Her face looked really flush..

      Happy New Year btw, and I’m sure she’s much better now.