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  • MyBabyBay

    • Bye 2009 & Welcome 2010

      Here’s wishing you a GREAT 2010 ahead!

      I don’t usually set New Year resolution because I know I can never keep it. For this year, 2010 I am setting one that I will read the Bible from cover to cover in 365 days. I am one person that never had a good discipline when it comes to reading. Let’s hope I will achieve this. I also hoped that my Sunday School children will read the Book of Mark too.

      What’s your resolution? Let me share with you one of Penang 2010 fireworks from the back of my gal’s room. A good view too.

      Lastly, an update to my painting project since so many of you encourages me to paint Emily’s room. Wah lah…actually not completed yet, still got one wall left and the big cupboard is sitting beside it. I hope to get it done by Saturday.

      I was not happy with the colors. The Fire Princess wasn’t as fiery as I expected. It was more orange than red. The candy floss (light pink) is too light. Since I have to paint over a strong blue, I have to do a double layer which is twice the effort. However Emily was pretty happy with it.

      Published on January 1, 2010 · Filed under: Parenting;

    4 Responses to “Bye 2009 & Welcome 2010”

    1. U got a really good view of the fireworks. Beautiful! As for the room, can’t really c the colors (Fire Princess seemed diff in the 2 pics) but most importantly, Em loves it. Cheers to supermom!

    2. happy new yr!! well done on the painting job!!

    3. Happy New Year 2010 and Best Wishes to you.

    4. No wonder you said back breaking.. Painting is..
      But it looks nice though.