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  • MyBabyBay

    • Post Pregnancies Side Effects

      I am not sure I am the only one who is getting these side effects or you are getting it too. I am also wondering whether it is due to age, maybe it is and I am not accepting it. Ha! I am still young at heart ma. So what are the post pregnancies site effects I am getting?

      First will be hair shredding. If you see my bathroom after I combed my hair, you will be frightened. Fortunately for me my hair grows back fairly quickly. My mom has lots of hair so I guess I have her gens.

      Secondly I get bad menstrual cramp which I never had before I become a mom. It is really bad, it is like contraction. Maybe not because I donโ€™t actually know how a contraction feels like. It usually comes on the first day.

      Thirdly I get tired easily. Sometimes after coming home from work, I just want to snooze. I am glad I have a capable hubby that he can take care of the children while I go to bed early.

      Do you mothers have the same issues like me?

      Published on March 27, 2008 · Filed under: Parenting;

    17 Responses to “Post Pregnancies Side Effects”

    1. Definitely u are not the only one. I’m always asking Pappy whether I’m getting bald or not looking at the amount of hair I sweep into the dustpan every day.

      When asked, I used to tell my friends I don’t get ‘stomach ache’ (menstrual cramp) but after having Des, the cramps are sometimes so unbearable dat I need to ‘curl’ myself.

      Talking of tiredness, I even doze off watching TV programmes and Pappy used to tell me dat the TV is watching me *blek*.

      Besides the above, I’m not as patient as I used to be. Need not say more about temper esp when Des gets on my nerves.

      *gasps* I’m getting ‘old’? I, too, don’t deny dat I am still young at heart. kekeke

    2. Haiya, u see, the most important thing which I forgot to mention โ€“ getting forgetful *blek*.

    3. hmm…hair i think mine stop shedding liao. menstrual cramp tarak LOL…in fact the period is like so few ๐Ÿ˜

      maybe u should have short instead of long hair…at least not so heavy, then won’t shed so much?

    4. my room floor is cover with my hair now. menstrual cramp, hardly…used to get it before pregnancy. very forgetful.

    5. i had some hair loss on my fringe 6 mths after giving birth. but my stomach was not paid anymore during menses. of course after kids, i get tired lor..

    6. I find that after having kid(s) I don’t have strong menstrual cramp. Matter of fact, after the miscarriage, the menstrual cramp went away..mebbe it’s due to the d&c..the doc must’ve scrapped my uterus clean. Before the miscarriage and birth of Belle, I always have blood clots discharge during period. Now, tarak.

    7. wow, the shedding so terrible le..mine stop shedding, i thought it’s a doodle art just now before i read the words.

      as for the menstrual cramp, emm..maybe “bak fung” pills can help you.

    8. i am shedding like like my dogs! my son kept saying eee… Dirty! when i take it up from the floor, i can make a ball with it. It is that scarry and plus, my hair is long So imagine the mess!

      Menstrual cramp? sometimes but not as bad as contraction! awww painful like i dunno what is the right word for it.

      And tired, now i am like an auto switch. I talk half way with my hub i can say bye bye and go to sleep immediately.

    9. I think your condition is called “aging”. Lol…just kidding…don’t throw stuff at me ah…

    10. michelle said on

      Giddy Tiger: I will not throw stuff at you but the 8 others who have just made comments might.

    11. Hello, hairloss after pregnancy is normal and natural, I got it too. Avoid pigtails, cornrows, hair weaves, braids and tight hair rollers which can pull and stress your hair.

      Good day! ๐Ÿ™‚

    12. i was having menstrual cramp all my life ๐Ÿ™

    13. Jefferene said on

      I thought post pregnancy should have less menstrual cramp? I used to have very bad menstrual cramp during my teenage life but none for now.

      The biggest post pregnancy probelm for me is fat, fat and fat!

    14. the hair shedding stopped after a while and no, no menstrual cramp.
      i guess different people reacted differently to pregnancy.

    15. eh.. I tot after deliver baby the menstrual cramp will get better? Mine is the true case my menstrual cramp is gone after I deliver a baby… shedding hair is common but longer hair will shad more than shorter hair. Tha’s why I keep short hair now… tired? Switch off the PC and forget about PPP for sometimes, mothers are not multitasking robot… LOL!

    16. i always got hairloss lar…help!!!

    17. I’m not sure whether it is because I did have good confinement period, all my menstrual pain gone immediately after deliver my 2 boys which has haunting me since I first got it……as well as travel sickness, I don’t have to take pill during my business trip anymore which is a good new for me ๐Ÿ˜›