Verse Of The Day


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  • MyBabyBay

    • Childhood Games

      June 27, 2005

      Ever play this game before. I love to play this game when I was very young in primary school.

      You list down 5 of your secret admirers, 5 places of liking, your 5 preferred age of marriage and how many kids you would want to have. Lastly, you put your favorite number or you can sign in the middle, and estimate how many strokes. You start counting from the RICH, strike it off when it reaches the number. Start counting again. Each category will have at least one not strike off. When you strike RICH, you automatically have POOR and when you strike SAD, you have HAPPY. Here is an example:

      The prediction here: you will marry Keanu Reeves at age 29, honey moon in Canada. You will have 2 kids. Poor but happy.

      Other childhood games I played:

      Five stone
      High jump using chain of rubber band
      Bottle caps
      Hop Scotch
      Tai Chi in badminton court
      Happy Family Cards
      Tortoise Card Game
      Fishing Card Game

    • Imaginary Friends

      June 25, 2005

      I am not a phone person. I cannot speak on the phone for too long. I love short and sweet conversations. However my children turn out to be different. They love taking to imaginary friends on the phone. They can chat non stop. I don’t really know what they are babbling about. It is really interesting because they also speak with body language.

      Son when he was 1+ year:

      Gal, today, also 1+ year:

      There goes my phone bill in the future…..sigh.

      1 Comment
    • Vegetables Mixed-Up

      June 24, 2005

      Son: Mummy see, Potatoes
      Mom: No, these are Tomatoes

      Son: Potatoes, Potatoes
      Mom: Nooo, Tomatoes

      Mom: Toe
      Son: Toe

      Mom: Ma
      Son: Ma

      Mom: Toes
      Son: Toes

      Mom: Tomatoes
      Son: Potatoes

      Mom: *give up*

    • First Report Card

      June 23, 2005

      My son received his first report card yesterday from his preschool. Very good progress he made. He got quite a character. He is a shy boy in public and in school. Trust me, he is not shy when parents around. He will yak yak yak yak, non stop.

      His teacher also told me that he has a little stubborn character. A little??? Sometimes if he doesn’t want to do anything, he will not do, although he knows and understand. No matter how much the teacher and his friends persuade him, he will not move. If he is in the mood, even if you don’t ask him, he will do it. He will dance and sing non stop.

      His counting, writing, singing, words recognition and dancing are excellent. Colouring is improving. Oh well, I don’t care much of his progress at this stage. I hope that he just keep having fun in school and with his friends. He has a couple of good friends there.

      One of his good friend, I must really salute the parents. The parents will send the kid to school very early, say 7:30am. The kid will be in his no wrinkle uniform, hair combed and with a fresh look every morning. My son, he will be still in his pyjamas and with a sleepy face. He just refuses to change into his uniform in the morning. He has no problem when the teachers change him. I just let it be.

    • Hair Cut

      June 15, 2005

      My hubby attempted to cut my son’s hair? As usual, how do you get a kid to sit still for a hair cut. My hubby gave my son lollipop and everything he wants. Yet, my son didn’t want to sit still, walk up and down, back and forth. After a few shouting and whining heard, mum to the rescue.

      I went to get some water, cups and spoon for my son to play. He loves playing with water. He sat there playing with water while my hubby cut his hair.

      Here are some digital shot of my son’s hair cut:

      Do you think he qualify to become a barber?? Bravo to him & HAPPY FATHER’S DAY!!!

    • My son just loves Toy Story. As I was down in KL shopping, I saw the Toy Story 1000 pieces jigsaw puzzle. I couldn’t resist getting it. Hey if you guys want to get jigsaw, let me know I have a 10% discount.

      My son wanted to open it and thought it was food. He was disappointed that it cannot be eaten. Mummy was pretty strict, asking him not to touch it. It will be very frustrating to complete the whole puzzle and find a piece missing. He was a good boy, didn’t touch any of it.

      I open it last weekend. I am addicted to jigsaw puzzle. I cannot resist it being in the box. Well, I open it on Saturday morning and completed it on Sunday night. Thanks to dad for doing most of the weekend housework.

      Need to frame it now….

      Here is the series:



    • Emily:

      6-7 months – Hold bottle to drink milk.
      10 months – Walk with support.
      11 months – 12 teeth (4 molar).
      11 months – Chew honey star.
      1 year – Suck from the sippy cup.


      3 years – Sing ABC, Twinkle Twinkle, Now It’s Time To Say Goodbye, Old Mac Donald had a farm.

      1 Comment
    • Swimming

      June 13, 2005

      Weekend, I took my children for a swim, more like playing with water. My BIL has a condo with a pool. I have been taking my son to swimming since he was 10 months. I stopped because he get runny nose very often. Anyway, we are back again and they had fun!!! My gal was sitting on her float like a queen, letting the water drift her. My son was pretty frightened at first, but at the end, after mummy force him on the float, he was not scare anymore. Probably next weekend, I will bring them there again. Please sun, come out!!!

      Hey brother, relax lah….

      I am having fun…..can sleep in the float….

      Underwater shot….

      My legs are just too long for this….

      Where is mei mei, mum & dad??

    • Savings.

      June 8, 2005

      I am in shock over what I heard over the radio this morning. I heard that a lady in her late 20s, probably early 30s, doesn’t have any savings in her account? Over the past few weeks, I have been reading a lot of articles of young Malaysian over spending and owing credit card money that leads to bankruptcy. It is a norm, not to pay the full amount of their monthly credit card bills. WHAT??!! Oh no, what has gotten into this generation of Malaysian youth or adults, where are their value of savings?

      When I was very young, my mother has already taught me to save. She will take me and my brother to the bank. I remembered my first coin box from Chartered Bank, it was a Donald Duck coin box. Why don’t they give that anymore?

      Now I am passing the value to my children. I will open a bank account for my children after they are born. All the baby shower angpows, birthday angpows and Chinese New Year angpows will go into their bank account. I will also ensure that if I give them pocket money in the future, 10-20% will go into their savings.

      Actually my hubby and I do not want to be rich in the worldly sense. As long as our family is happy, living comfortably and having fun all the time. We never argue or have issue with our financial. By the way, we have joint account, everything goes into and out of the account. We trust each other.

    • Long Long Weekend

      June 7, 2005

      We just got back from a trip to KL, bringing my kids to see por por, kong kong and do some shopping. Wow, it is tiring. Just the packing and unpacking tired my husband and I. How did we stuff all the things into the car? Amazingly we did.

      I was staying in Cititel MidValley, it is pretty convenient. Just go down from the hotel, you get shops, food and practically everything. I took my children for a train ride to KLCC and they love it.

      I also met up with some of the super moms, chatted and sharing mom’s experiences. It was a very fruitful trip. I need to plan for another vacation, soon.

      Towards the end of the journey back from KL, Emily refused to be strap on to the carseat and Tim threw up. Luckily I have a plastic bag with me.

      Tim and his friends.

      Emily thots: “Now why am I driving all these weird creatures??”

      Tim thots: “All mine…All mine”

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