Verse Of The Day


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  • MyBabyBay

    • Wimpy Kid

      August 4, 2010

      That was the book my son likes to read. He likes comics and this book has comics with some write ups. It is a diary of a kid named Greg, similar to Adrian Mole’s diary minus the comic. It is one of the international best sellers too.

      I am trying to encourage him to read Enid Blyton books or Hardy Boys but I feel he is not ready yet. At least he is reading the Bible occasionally.

      Another book he likes to read is Captain Underpants, also because of the pictures. He is more a visual boy. He understands more with pictures. He likes to draw and a good way to express himself. If you give him colors & papers, he can sit and draw the whole day.

    • Books Are Fun

      May 23, 2008

      I love bringing my children to book stores. They have fun browsing and reading the books there. MPH here used to have a small children area. However due to the parents not overseeing their children and their children messing up all the books, MPH took it away. It is really sad to see books flying every where and mishandled.

      Anyway, same goes for Borders but they still maintain the children area. They provided books that are “read only”. My children love reading books in Borders. I will be there with them and make sure they return books to the shelves if they take it from there.

      As I was browsing through the books, I spotted 2 books which I want to share. First, “Everything Men Know About Women”. Best Seller. Guess What? When I turn the cover, I saw all blank pages. :giggles:

      Next book, I saw this very creative 3D Cinderella story book. It is so amazing how they did the book. Look for yourself.

    • Paper Doll

      April 8, 2008

      Have you played with paper dolls before? Drawing cute dolls and making clothes for the paper dolls, mixing and matching. I have and I enjoyed playing with it. I came from a poor family where by my parents could not afford any Barbie dolls. I have to make do with paper and color pencils.

      Guess what, I bought 2 paper dolls books for Emily in year 2007. She was too young to play then. Now she is having fun with it. She matches the paper/cardboard dolls with all the pretty wonderful dresses. The book has many collections of costumes, dresses, pajamas, shirts and pants. It is certainly a cheaper version of Barbie dolls. If you have a gal of age 3 and above, you should get a copy of this book. It only cost me around RM16.90. I got mine from MPH.