Verse Of The Day
“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” (Romans 15:13)  listen to chapter  (Read by Max McLean. Provided by The Listener's Audio Bible.)

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  • MyBabyBay

    • Mishap

      I have been busy this week. FIL had a bad accident. A lady knocked his motorbike down and left him there. She gave the worst excuse that she is late in picking her son up. What a cruel person? She can leave a injured person lying on the road, bleeding and drove away.

      My FIL called his family and friends to help. He was taken to General Hospital (GH). He wanted GH because he gets pensioner benefit, as he was a government servant. He was taken to do X-ray. After the X-ray was done, he was pushed to his wad. Nothing was given to him, no medication (pain killer), and no wound dressing. He has a broken shoulder bone and some crack ribs. Nurse just put a bandage sling on to his arm and hand to prevent movement. He lied on his bed for more than 6 hours and still nothing was administered. He was also denied food, in case surgery is required.

      When my hubby and I visited him, he was in a painful state. We persuaded him to switched hospital. Finally he gave in. We had to wait for the doctor to discharge him. While doing that, I went to the other hospital to arrange to receive him. I was very upset with GH as we were not allowed to keep the X-ray. GH claimed it is their policy. What a silly policy and inhuman one too??!! Imagine my FIL had to go through another round of excruciating pain for X-ray to be done in another hospital.

      After a long day, finally X-ray was done, specialist was called in, he said he was not critical and surgery is not needed. He told my FIL to get plenty of rest. He also was given an injection of painkiller when he arrived. When it was all done, it was already close to midnight.

      Now he is feeling better and he was discharge today. It takes minimum 3 months for him to recover. I was happy that I could help him. My company were entitled to corporate rate for the hospital for parents and parent in law.

      It is always a wonder why older generation refuse to get insurance. My FIL does not have any insurance. If anything happen, it will be out of the pocket money. Anyway, for the sake of your children, think about your own insurance.

      Published on July 22, 2005 · Filed under: Parenting;

    4 Responses to “Mishap”

    1. Wish ur FIL get well soon.

      What a selfish lady…get her plate number and report to police!

    2. Jefferene said on

      So sorry to hear about your FIL’s injury….hope he is getting well soon!

      Yes, medical insurance is very important..but old peoples have to pay higher premium to get the protection.

    3. michelle said on

      Annie & Jefferene: Thanks, my FIL just discharged on Sat. He needs rest to recover. He is a very strong person.

      Yeah, he also make a police report, wonder what action they will take? I also wrote to TheStar about GH, my MIL said today it was published. I can’t wait to read it.

    4. My dad saw it before. A 4WD, driven by a lady, knocked down a motorcyclist and drove away. My dad gave chase, with his lorry, and managed to force the 4WD to stop. He scolded her on the spot and she gave reason “she thot it was nothing serious”. He then accompanied her back to the spot where the motorist was lying in pain and ‘forced’ her to take the poor guy to the hospital.

      And yeah, my dad is one of those who thinks insurance is a scam.