Verse Of The Day
“A psalm of David. The LORD is my shepherd, I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake.” (Psalm 23:1-3)  listen to chapter  (Read by Max McLean. Provided by The Listener's Audio Bible.)

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  • MyBabyBay

    • I Won!

      I received a letter yesterday saying I won a BRAUN THERMOSCAN from a contest that I participated months ago. I was so happy. However I already got a Braun thermoscan. It is really helpful especially you have baby or toddler who is having fever.

      I am probably going to sell this for a lower price, anybody wants? Take that money and go treat my family to a nice dinner.

      So far, I have won handphones, luggage bag, trips, thermoscan, toaster, a few hampers and lots of soft toys. It will be good to win some $$. Opps, I shall not be greedy.

      I can remember that when I was in primary school, I took part in McDonald’s colouring contest and I won first prize. They sent me lots of McDonald’s goodies and a membership card that is good for that year. It would be the first time I ever win anything.

      Published on July 29, 2005 · Filed under: Parenting;

    6 Responses to “I Won!”

    1. Michelle, u are very lucky! Besides selling off the thermoscan, can oso give as present to ur relatives…. or…readers….* I think my birday is oso around the corner… hehehe!

      do inform me also when there’s such contest. I also want to win lots of prizes like you!!

    2. michelle said on

      Annie: Next one is the Digi Contest – can win to 10 months salary!

    3. Mouth opened, a word “WOW’, speechless and then an envy face. That was what I did.

      How come u are dat lucky as to win so many prizes???? I’ve been participating in quite a number of contests but NOT even a single prize have I won! NOT FAIR (Boo hoo hoo).

      Never mind, I’ll still be trying. Who knows I might win one day (sigh …. hopefully).

      How low the price are u going to part off with dat thermoscan? (just being inquisitive) cos I already have one. (hee, hee)

    4. good lah u…in my life oni won one time before in competition, that was a swatch watch

    5. Sooooo envy, you are so lucky! I had never won any contest coz I had never participate….too lazy! Have thought of sending my gal pics to contest also but till now no action yet….lazy mommy!

    6. michelle said on

      Tracy: Patient, u will one day and u can shout about it.

      Jefferene: Now take action!! Go!!

      Funny, I submitted the form on 64th issue but won on 66th issue. I heard the contest is still on.