Verse Of The Day
“Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.” (Colossians 3:12)  listen to chapter  (Read by Max McLean. Provided by The Listener's Audio Bible.)

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  • MyBabyBay

    • I Won!

      I received a letter yesterday saying I won a BRAUN THERMOSCAN from a contest that I participated months ago. I was so happy. However I already got a Braun thermoscan. It is really helpful especially you have baby or toddler who is having fever.

      I am probably going to sell this for a lower price, anybody wants? Take that money and go treat my family to a nice dinner.

      So far, I have won handphones, luggage bag, trips, thermoscan, toaster, a few hampers and lots of soft toys. It will be good to win some $$. Opps, I shall not be greedy.

      I can remember that when I was in primary school, I took part in McDonald’s colouring contest and I won first prize. They sent me lots of McDonald’s goodies and a membership card that is good for that year. It would be the first time I ever win anything.

      Published on July 29, 2005 · Filed under: Parenting;

    6 Responses to “I Won!”

    1. Michelle, u are very lucky! Besides selling off the thermoscan, can oso give as present to ur relatives…. or…readers….* I think my birday is oso around the corner… hehehe!

      do inform me also when there’s such contest. I also want to win lots of prizes like you!!

    2. michelle said on

      Annie: Next one is the Digi Contest – can win to 10 months salary!

    3. Mouth opened, a word “WOW’, speechless and then an envy face. That was what I did.

      How come u are dat lucky as to win so many prizes???? I’ve been participating in quite a number of contests but NOT even a single prize have I won! NOT FAIR (Boo hoo hoo).

      Never mind, I’ll still be trying. Who knows I might win one day (sigh …. hopefully).

      How low the price are u going to part off with dat thermoscan? (just being inquisitive) cos I already have one. (hee, hee)

    4. good lah u…in my life oni won one time before in competition, that was a swatch watch

    5. Sooooo envy, you are so lucky! I had never won any contest coz I had never participate….too lazy! Have thought of sending my gal pics to contest also but till now no action yet….lazy mommy!

    6. michelle said on

      Tracy: Patient, u will one day and u can shout about it.

      Jefferene: Now take action!! Go!!

      Funny, I submitted the form on 64th issue but won on 66th issue. I heard the contest is still on.