Verse Of The Day
“then know this, you and all the people of Israel: It is by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified but whom God raised from the dead, that this man stands before you healed.” (Acts 4:10,12)  listen to chapter  (Read by Max McLean. Provided by The Listener's Audio Bible.)

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  • MyBabyBay

    • Seafood Dinner

      My family went out for a quiet dinner today at Gurney Mall. My hubby and I could not decide what to eat. It seems that we are always choosing the same old food every time. Anyway we stroll down on all the eating-places outside of Gurney Mall and see what they have. We came across this “Fish & Co”. The waiter outside told us they serve seafood. First thing I asked them, do they have any baby chair. I really don’t like going to restaurant without a baby chair. I want my gal to sit in her baby chair when she is having her dinner, same goes for my boy. He is now big enough for an adult chair. He is tall so he has no problem reaching the table. They did have baby chair.

      I didn’t know what to order. The waiter recommended crab (opps, I meant real crab). I guess everyone knows that they will always recommend the most expensive. Like crab will keep us full for the evening. I don’t want to go home and worried about supper. Anyway, I saw the side menu and order the Family Seafood Platter for 2. I also order a kid meal for my boy. My gal has her own porridge and will take some from our order.

      Our dinner came:

      Image hosted by

      RM: 48.90

      Source of the picture was from myBest, member of Sorry we didn’t have a camera to take shots of it.

      It looks delicious and it was great!! It has prawns, clams, calamari, rice with raisins and fish with chips. We also had 2 humongous drinks called the Jungle Freeze and Sharkie Freeze. It is a blend of tropical fruit juices in a giant mug.

      My children also enjoyed it. My gal was enjoying the fish, rice with raisins, and her porridge. My boy was enjoying his kid’s meal with fish nuggets and of course his passion fruit drink. Both did not make any fuss. My hubby and I did have a great time.

      Later we dropped by MPH to get some colouring books for my children. We had an expired voucher worth RM38. Fortunately, MPH still allowed us to use it. By the way MPH was newly renovated. It was close like for a few months. We really missed it.

      Published on September 25, 2005 · Filed under: Information, Parenting, Penang;

    8 Responses to “Seafood Dinner”

    1. Seafood…….yummy yummy!

      p/s: Your site has exceeded bandwidth limit? I couldn’t access to it for the past two days.

    2. Jefferene: Yeah lor, mybabybay was in hospital, now she is in healty condition after mummy gave her kisses & hugs.

    3. Glad your site all OK now :). and ‘reopen’ with yummy seafood! *drooling*…

      This is the same dish we order everytime when we visit Manhattan Fish Market (MFM have the same platter like this, but I think it call Manhattan seafood platter or something), the portion just nice for 2 adults and 2 kids.

    4. wah… the seafood platter really looks yummy… *drools*

    5. err.. what is “quiet dinner”?? everyone just eat and no talking? 😛
      anyway… glad to know some good food in Penang… will go some day to visit my brother there 🙂

    6. Maria: Where is MFM? Manhattan? Wow you visited there before? Blog about it.

      Sue: Taste good too.

      Egghead: Quiet Dinner means no children screaming, crying, yelling or stress. I can hear myself talking..hehehe. No need to come to Penang for this. Bangsar KL also got a branch of “Fish & Co”, but no gurantee that it taste better than Penang.

    7. Oh, funny to read “mybabybay was in hospital, now she is in healty condition after mummy gave her kisses & hugs”, Michelle, your kisses and hugs are quite expensive oh….hehehe…

    8. hahaha…is a restaurant same like Fish and Co. lar dear :lol:…though I wish to visit Manhattan one day :).