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Fever Chain
First it started with Emily. She was having fever last Wednesday. My babysitter caught her shivering. She called my office number and spoke to me in hokkien. Fortunately I still can undertstand her bit on the fever part, the rest is bla bla bla. I called my hubby, he is away from his desk. I got one of his colleague’s numbers and call him to help locate my hubby. Remember to always keep your hubby’s colleague’s number for emergency. He located him.
We were very worried because we were afraid of the Dengue spread in Penang. Anyway, we told her to our usual paed. By the way, my hubby’s office, my office, my paed’s clinic, house and babysitter are all within range. Another plus point, of staying in Penang. Paed ruled out Dengue because her fever is not high enough and no rash. It could be the MMR and her sore throat. We need to monitor her.
On Thursday night, I was on high fever and pop down 1 panadol. I dislike taking medicine unless it is necessary. Friday woke up, fever gone. Work for half day and then fever came back. I went to the doctor, she also rule out Dengue coz fever not that high and no rash. I got a MC till end of the day. Funny until today, I still don’t know the cause of the fever.
Today, my son is having fever. I am working at home to babysit him. I could not take leave as I have a couple of meetings that I need to attend. Fortunately I do not have to be on site for those meetings. My son is having a good time because he is away from school and gets to do what he wants to do at home. I am pampering him since he is sick.
Emily & I have fully recovered. Ok no more fever spreading in the family..….
9 Responses to “Fever Chain”
egghead said on October 4th, 2005 at 11:25 am
err.. dengue sign won’t show for the first few days… if the high fever is persistent for 3 days… be sure to get your (and your kids) blood checked for platlet count 🙂
get well soon!
Oh…poor family! Hope Tim is getting well soon!
P/S: Next time must take medicine or see dortor early if sick (I mean you), don’t drag so long.
Hui Sia said on October 4th, 2005 at 12:26 pm
Must boil “leong cha” since the weather also siao siao, morning very hot then suddenly afternoon could have heavy rain…
Annie said on October 4th, 2005 at 12:56 pm
my Ah Girl also sick lah… slight fever+flu+cough. Hopefully all the sick ones GET WELL SOON!!!
sue said on October 4th, 2005 at 1:25 pm
gosh… could be a virus going around at home, do get the clear glass to try and see if you have spots
leong cha is good also, like “leng yong” and stuff to clear heatiness, but sometimes i hesitate to drink leong cha too early in case it disguises the symptoms of the sickness
Jess said on October 4th, 2005 at 1:47 pm
hai…my girls also having running nose le, a bit coughing too!! take care ya !
I see you’re having the not so merry-go-round at home. I’m also having sore throat which I just recently recovered from and worried about having the not so merry-go-round and now again have to start worrying. Hope you all recover soon. Take care.
Maria said on October 4th, 2005 at 4:49 pm
read today Star really worry me about the dengue, in Penang one area alone have so many cases.
hope Tim get well soon, so you no need to worry too much.
Take care. -
kim said on October 5th, 2005 at 8:45 am
hope Tim get well soon n take care.