Verse Of The Day
“then know this, you and all the people of Israel: It is by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified but whom God raised from the dead, that this man stands before you healed.” (Acts 4:10,12)  listen to chapter  (Read by Max McLean. Provided by The Listener's Audio Bible.)

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  • MyBabyBay

    • Bukit Merah Lake Town

      I brought my family to Bukit Merah Lake Town Resort for new year. It is about 45 minutes drive from Penang. It has a big Water Theme Park, not as big as Sunway Water Park. I know my children will love it because they love water. Beside Water Park and the chair lift, there is nothing else special. There is an island where they house some orang hutan. We have to take a boat ride across. By the way, it is not cheap. They have a combo ticket, which covers everything, cost RM39 per adult, and children (over 90cm) cost RM29. Emily didn’t have to pay, haven’t reach the height yet and she cannot ride the chair lift too.

      More info here:

      Worst experience is the Lake Town Service Apartment that we booked. There were no electricity on New Year’s Eve, we have to tolerate 2 hours of no air condition or no air. We had to tolerate the noisy children shouting at the corridor. Worst is there was a big puddle of water outside our unit.

      So much for the bad experience, we enjoyed the water theme park and I don’t mind going again. If you just want to pay for the water theme park, it is RM20 per adult and RM10 for children.

      Warning: Photos below are taken with a camera casing. Do not use your normal camera for photo shooting, it will get wet. A camera casing looks like this. If you have a Canon A80, I can loan you the casing. I bought this for my hubby for his birthday a few years back.

      First spot water playground:

      Emily & Tim having fun with the water.

      Second spot wave pool:

      Oh no! More water.

      Chair Lift

      Third spot water pool:

      Photo taken behind the mushroom fountain:

      Fourth spot balloon slide pool:

      Firth spot river and water slides:

      End of Water Park!!!

      Emily touches the big huge iguana.

      There is a big arcade where children can have fun.

      Emily sat on a big truck.

      With RM1, I tried my skills on picking a soft toy from one of the machine. I succeeded in getting a black penguin. Emily loves it so much. However Tim wanted one too. I wasted another RM20 for not getting anything. Some machines cheated me. 😥 You see, I manage to pick the toy and as it lifted it up, the claw open and the toy drop. It happened a few times. I had to buy something for Tim.

      We took a stroll around the jetty. Emily was disappointed that one of the spot closes which she wanted to go it.

      Next morning, we had a boat ride across the island to visit the orang hutan. Nothing much to shout about because it is a very small place. You can finish seeing the entire place in 5 minutes or less. The concept is very unique, the orang hutan is out in the open but the visitors, which is we is in the cage looking out to them. Anyway, the children enjoyed the boat ride but refused to put on the life jackets. My son said, “Eeeeik, so dirty, don’t want!”

      Published on January 2, 2006 · Filed under: Emily, Parenting, Timothy, Travel;

    14 Responses to “Bukit Merah Lake Town”

    1. Emily so brave to touch the iguana, if for me sure i run away.

    2. looks like loads of fun! and the iguana looks scary though.

    3. wow great fun minus the electricity problem. and that iguana is so huge…emily is very daring 😛

    4. this is fun loaded new year :D.

      nice place for kids, I heard about it long time ago on the radio, but a bit far for us in KL, now you remind me of Sunway, have to get the kids there one day.

      BTW, how much you bought the camera casing?

    5. michelle said on

      Maria: The camera casing cost around RM300-350, I forgot the exact price. I got it in Singapore, a few years back. It is normally use for scuba diving.

    6. Found a another place for a holiday. Sounds like fun going to Bukit Merah. Bet the kids really had a fun time there.

      There, there, there u see, wasted RM20. I always don’t believe in those ‘picking soft toys from machine’. I rather use the money to buy a toy instead. Sometimes a little soft toy doesn’t cost dat much too.

    7. wow, emily so brave. My gal will ‘pat’ her chest and said scared liow…. 🙂 and she look so cute in d 5th pix lah…..and the 8th pix like calsberg ad. haha.

    8. yes, we also had a bad experience there 2 yrs ago. Also no electricity one night. anyway, everything was horrible. Never again….

    9. Haha.. King’s Wife mentioned already about the bad experiance we had. Very lousy the appartment, and did you go to the pool? It seems it was so dirty. Blech!

      Emily so daring with the Iguana, and she looked so sad at the ride which was closed.

    10. I went there twice and like the place too. But I feel the orang utan island is so boring.

    11. I haven’t been there but heard a lot of it….the most important is both Tim and Emily enjoyed themselves…

    12. so many photos! really got me attracted in going there!!

    13. Wow! Looks so fun and interesting! I can’t wait to take both my kids out of town for our first official family holiday in May. Eh, Emily very brave to touch the iguana lah.

    14. michelle said on

      Bukit Merah must pay me for advertising for them. By the way, if you just want water fun, Sunway Water Park is just as good.

      Camera Casing & Camera for loan – RM100 per day….$-) hehehehe