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Shopping With Tim
Yesterday, my babysitter took care of Emily because today she had to send her son to school. Now I am working from home with Emily. I took the opportunity to take my son shopping yesterday. He had fun. He is very good boy when mummy take him out. Where is daddy? Daddy wanted to stay at home to rest, clean up some cupboard of his and wanted some peace.
Anyway I drove to Gurney Plaza. As you know, it will be fairly hard to get any parking, as it is a replacement public holiday. I was fortunate as I saw a family coming out and looking for their car. I tailgate them and finally got to park. The shopping mall is not as jam pack as Mid Valley in KL. There were still lots of space to move. I haven’t been shopping for clothes for a long long time, so I decided to get some CNY clothes for myself. Usually when we go out shopping, I always head for the children department. There was 1 shop giving out 50% discount on some nice clothes. Of coz, it is jam pack inside. Oh I had my son on a stroller, even pushed it to the changing room so that I can try out the clothes. I was pretty happy with what I got.
I saw a couple with his family buying a new stroller for a newborn baby. As they were going out, probably their first time handling a stroller, they didn’t know how to push it up the escalator. I heard them from a far saying, “Let’s see how this mom pushed it up.†They were all looking at me. I pretend not to know but inside, I was giggling. Pushing it up is not difficult but pushing it down the escalator required more skills.
It was fun to shop with my son. We started at 1pm and went home at 4pm. As I was leaving, there were so many cars coming into the car park. It was also pouring outside. There were few roads flooded with water. A tip on driving, if you see a huge jam ahead, always look for a taxi, the taxi will know how to go through small roads to avoid jam, which I did.
One turning I made, I saw cars stopping by the side because they didn’t want to attempt to cross the flooded road. I even saw a Wira broke down in the middle. Anyway, there were some cars that attempted and got through, so I follow behind. Later I saw a lorry fume up with black smoke. His lorry broke down. I got through. :pray: I was praying as I went through it. Got home safe and sound. By the time we reached home, my son was napping.
11 Responses to “Shopping With Tim”
Tracy said on January 3rd, 2006 at 11:04 am
Wow, u can go shopping alone with Tim? I can never do dat with Destinee. And Tim’s so obedient as to sit on the stroller :clap: . Destinee has long time given up sitting so still. I won’t have the opportunity to choose or look at my stuff if I ‘m to bring Des along – more like I’ll be watching and running after her instead of shopping :wall:
Kekeke, u must be feeling on top of the world when the couple were watching how u managed to go up the escalator with the stroller.
If you need to go to the toilet when you go shopping alone with Tim how? That’s the only part which I don’t like.
Going shopping with Zara is ok, but when want to go toilet, aiyo, how to push the stroller into the toilet cubicle? Leave outside scared people steal pulak.
I like pushing the stroller up escalator too (save time searching for lift), but like you say, pushing down will need lots of skill.. normally need 2 person to do it. I dare not do it on my own.
Jazzmint said on January 3rd, 2006 at 3:18 pm
hehe agree, pushing up no prob, pushing down big prob!!! I end up going for the lift 😛 cause hand not strong enough.
zara’s mama: at least now zara can walk she can follow u to the toilet and stand inside, faythe i cant even put her down she’ll be crawling on the wet floor yucks!!! So kena tahan LOL
michelle said on January 3rd, 2006 at 3:36 pm
Zara’s mama: Usually I don’t use the public toilet, only use during emergency. If my son have to go, I will pushed the stroller in. Gurney’s Plaza’s toilet is big for the stroller, anyway, my stroller is the cheapo type.
Zara’s mama, Jazzmint: If you want to push your stroller down the escalator, try doing it backwards. My advise, try it without the child until you get it right. The front wheels have to sit on the front step and the back wheel have to sit on the back step. The child’s head will be facing people coming down.
Sabrina said on January 3rd, 2006 at 4:06 pm
Wah. Tim so patient to go shopping with mummy. I hope Keith does the same too next time as I am a shopaholic.Hehe
Jesslyn said on January 3rd, 2006 at 4:08 pm
Tim still using stroller? and he is so behave, can sit still inside it! Good!
Wien like Tracy’s girl, give up stroller long time liao! But she will follow closely with us when shopping as we threathen her that if walk to far from us, then she will be kena kidnapped! -
Maria said on January 3rd, 2006 at 5:23 pm
whao… shopping, in holiday, packed with people, jam and flooded, got cars broke down… so happening! and it seems everything so easy for you in this post, no sweat at all :lol:…
btw, my girls also good when go shopping, in fact they don’t want to go home!
Yee Ching wouldn’t want to sit on stroller too but we still bring the stroller out to stuff all those diaper bags, milk bottle, thermos and etc! 🙂
we master the skill of going up and down the escalator after much practise…So nice to have your boy, Tim to follow you out…
Hui Sia said on January 4th, 2006 at 10:22 pm
Mummy went “pak toll” with little boyfriend~~
egghead said on January 5th, 2006 at 10:06 am
I hate joining the flood of people crowding into a mall ðŸ™