Verse Of The Day
“Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.” (Colossians 3:12)  listen to chapter  (Read by Max McLean. Provided by The Listener's Audio Bible.)

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  • MyBabyBay

    • Tags

      Tagged by Auntie Jazzmint, here is Tim to answer it all.

      The Rules: Remove the blog in the top spot from the following list and bump everyone up one place. Then add your blog to the bottom spot.
      1. The Life of an Independent Babe
      2. My All
      3. All About Zara
      4. Faythe’s Baby Blog
      5. Mybabybay

      Then you select five people to pass the love on to. Here’s my selection:
      1. Whoever who wants to be tagged….

      1. What were you doing ten years ago?
      Not born yet. Still a sperm in daddy’s body I guess.

      2. What were you doing 1 year ago?
      I was 2+ and got sent to nursery or preschool. It was fun with so many friends, a playground to play, dancing and singing. I got conned by mummy because first day mummy accompanied me to nursery. I thought she would be there with me but second day, she vanished. Now I am bored with school, what next? Please get me out!!!

      3. Five super fatty and high cholesterol snacks you enjoy:
      1. Ice Cream
      2. Keropok
      3. Chips
      4. Cheese Cakes
      5. Mamee

      4. Five songs to which you know all the lyrics off your head right now:
      1. Mummy Daddy I Love You
      2. Jesus Loves Me
      3. Hickory Dickory Dock
      4. Itsy Bitsy Spider
      5. Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

      There are more but I will not bore you with my talents…..

      5. Five things you would do if you were a millionaire (actually how far can you stretch a million dollar nowadays?)
      1. Buy lots of Ice-cream.
      2. Quit school & make daddy, mummy stay at home and play with me and Emily.
      3. Take flights around the world with Mummy, Daddy & Emily.
      4. Donate some to needy children – Mummy asked me to do this.
      5. Make another billion, hey if I can make a million, why stop there?

      6. Five bad habits:
      1. Burp really loudly and lengthy.
      2. Watch too much cartoon.
      3. Doesn’t want to talk in school.
      4. Snatch Emily’s toys.
      5. Always holding a toy in my hand.

      7. Five things you like doing:
      1. Play with water.
      2. Watch cartoon.
      3. Shopping with Mummy.
      4. Play at the big playground.
      5. Eat ice-cream.

      8.Five things you would never wear, buy, or get new again:
      1. Chinese New Year clothes – Donno why mummy likes to dress me like a clown.
      2. Non Ultraman/Batman Pyjamas.
      3. Cap or silly hat – Mess up my hair.
      4. Face mask.
      5. Cane.

      9. Five favourite toys:
      1. Cars.
      2. Barney Bag.
      3. Balloon Blower.
      4. Toy Apple.
      5. Whatever Emily is holding.

      Published on January 9, 2006 · Filed under: Parenting, Tag;

    6 Responses to “Tags”

    1. where’s emily’s tag 😛

    2. this is good :lol:… especially the very last line.

    3. u so thoughtful hor! Get Tim to reply the tag! I never think of it!!

    4. wah… this is another way of cheating huh?

    5. Jazzmint: Emily don’t know how to speak yet..hehehehe 😆 or no one tag her yet. Next tag i guess.

      Maria: Thank Q.

      Jess: Tim: Feel free to use the idea and pls contribute $$ to me so that I can make my first million. 😆

      Egghead: Tim: Not cheating, this is call “creative”. Lots of DHA in my milk powder you know. 😆

    6. Wah.. good one!
      20yrs later, get Tim to do this tag again.. His millionaire plan will not include you any more.. will be related to girl friend or wife! sad..