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Toy Museum
Penang has the largest toy museum in Asia. It has over 100,000 figurines, toys and models of a variety of characters in the toy world. If you step in and admired every single toy, it will take you days. It is located in Tanjung Bungah, very close to the Copthorne Orchid Hotel. Opens from 9am to 9pm daily. Entrance Fees are RM10 per adult and RM6 per child. It is a great place to visit if you are here.
The toys ranges from Star Wars, Lord of the rings, all action figures like Superman, Spideman, Ultraman, Batman, Incredible Hulk, Toys Story, Chicken Little, Barbie, Disney Characters, Harry Potter and some horror characters too.
As usual, Emily and Tim enjoyed the place. One set back about this museum is that it has so many toys, so tempted to take and play with it, but you can only see and not touch. 😥
Enjoy the pictures:
The place:
Mr Bean:
Jacky Chan
Chow Yuen Fatt
Bruce Lee
Tomb Raider
The Beatles
Star Wars
Star Trek
My Dream Car
Incredible Hulk – Emily can copy this charater very well. Yet to capture it on video.
Chicken Little
Little Mouse
Japanese Doll
Warning: The section below contains horror characters, view it at your own risk. Please do not let your children view, they may have nightmares.
The End
12 Responses to “Toy Museum”
Lin said on January 15th, 2006 at 11:26 pm
Wow! I’ve been wondering if the Toy Musuem is any good. Having looked at your pictures, now I know it is a MUST-GO.
wah,must really thank to your blog. I don’t know that we have such a good place TOY Museum in our island. I surely will go there when we are home for CNY next week. Kamsiah,kamsiah 😉
it’s so cool! you must take me there when I am in Penang!!
Oh… I read this from newspaper, and THE place we will want to visit, Twinsdad been talking about it everytime I mention Penang :D.
I’d passed by these place many times but was never tempted to go in..
No point ler.. can see no touch.. Better bring them to ToysRus.. and with the RM10/head savings, can get the kids something. 😛
Btw, looks like it’s more figurine than actual toy huh?
michelle said on January 16th, 2006 at 2:50 pm
Lin: Glad to provide the info.
Mama2p: Welcome to my humble blog. 😛
Egghead: Sure, no problem. I have my fmaily bring you there and you can pay for our entrance fees. 😆
Maria: I am sure twinsdad want to see the chinese action figures.
Zara’s mama: True also, in Toy’sRus, children can play the toy but will sure end up buying something. Here, you cannot take anything home. No additional money spend on buying toys. 😛
Tracy said on January 17th, 2006 at 3:36 pm
Oh, didn’t know dat there’s a place as Toy Museum in Penang. How long has this place been in Penang? :blush:
Very interesting place indeed. Must keep this in mind the next time I visit Penang.
wow..must go and see…it must have took the owner alot effort to set this up…alot alot of toys!!!
twinsdad interested on all the toys, Chinese or japanese Naruto, or the StarWars, semua sapu.
i’ve been to TOY MUSEUM PENANG twice…i snapped a lot of pics too…..
more pics, pls view
Your blog is so informative
my God, i thought you were going to chip in with some decisive insght at the end there, not leave it with