Verse Of The Day
“For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, mutual affection; and to mutual affection, love. For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.” (2 Peter 1:5-8)  listen to chapter  (Read by Max McLean. Provided by The Listener's Audio Bible.)

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  • MyBabyBay

    • Lion Dance

      The Chinese Lion Dance is important tradition during Chinese New Year. The first recorded performance of a lion dance is dated back to Third Century BC, before you and I were born. Those who perform the lion dance often need to have Wushu skills. One, handling the lion’s head, leads the dance and shows the lion’s emotions. The lions express joy and happiness. The proper lion dance must match with the drum, gong and cymbal rhythm. The lion head performer or the drummer must signal the other, so that the movement and music can be synchronized. There are a few sequences, that is normally used, like the 3-Star or 7-Star movement, followed by High Dance.

      Payments to the performers are usually made through the eating of the green vegetable also know as “Choy Cheng” The angpow will be tied to the green for the lion to eat. Choy as in vegetable symbolize wealth. The lion head performer must not drop the angpow, as it would mean bad luck. After he has taken the angpow, he will tear the green vege apart and throw it out first to the left, then to the right and then to the middle to help spread prosperity in all directions. The music will then change to “high dance” and the head will be raised and moved as if the lion is happy to have consumed his prize.

      Yesterday, there was a lion dance competition in Penang Gurney Plaza. My family went there to watch. My son likes it a lot, in hokkien lion dance is called “Boo Lan Sai”. He uses our blanket to do the lion dance on the bed. He was fascinated with the performance. However Emily didn’t enjoy it and she got bored after the first performance. I had to entertain her with food.

      Let’s have the lion dance on my blog, not that I believe it will receive any special blessings. Here’s wishes you a happy and early Chinese New Year!!!

      Published on January 18, 2006 · Filed under: Information, Parenting, Penang;

    9 Responses to “Lion Dance”

    1. Pong Pong Chiang! Pong Pong Chiang!
      I just love Chinese New Year! makes everything comes to life!!

    2. Wa.. you really took a lot of photos while watching the boo-lang-sai. I think in Penang, CNY is more lao-juak, and got more such dances. KL, less ler.

      My father was based in Penang for 1yr, and during that year, we really celebrated CNY big time! So much fun.

      KL.. aigh.. visiting also less. laujuak also less.

    3. Wow … so many pics of the Lion Dance. I bet not only adults like to watch the Lion Dance but kids too.

      Destinee oso likes to watch the Lion Dance too and even suggested me to buy her a Lion Head and specified she wants one with a red-coloured tail.

      I’ve been to Penang once during the CNY and I remembered dat there were Lion Dances during the night too. Do they still practice dat?

    4. Egghead: Yeah, there is one night in Penang that they burn firecracker all night long.

      Zara’s mama: Yeah the environment here is different. I prefer the peaceful CNY. Hehehe, tat’s why I’ll be in KL during CNY.

      Tracy: A few mall is having Lion Dance performance. Not sure when and where. I am sure it will be jam pack. Usually during CNY, lots of outstation cars and ppl.

    5. Get one lion head for Tim, i am sure he will love it, just like Wien! She have few lion dance CD competition too.

      The head getting cheaper now, will change one for Wien as existing one she play almost everyday… till some part out of shape!!

      Nice pictures u hv there!

    6. KL seems not so happening leh, the shopping complex kind of like high profile, if the tenant want to have the lion dance over, need to apply permit from management.
      but anyway… my girls scared wor, so I also cannot watch, I love it, the north or the sounth lion dance, all the best.

    7. wow so happening….i think kl only can see in certain places…miss those days when they still allow u to burn the fire crackers, remembered one year, KLPlaza hung the longest fire crackers and they burn it. We hear from school only LOL…

      this year must bring faythe see lion dance at MCA open house…I hope she’s amaze 🙂

    8. CNY without lion dance is not complete. The louder the better!!
      My kids and I enjoy them. Some of the skills involved are really quite a feat!

    9. hey just bloghopping from Nina’s 🙂 and the photos are awesome – im half Chinese and that means having to experience it myself is awesome! Lion Dance rawks! i once wanted to be one when i was a kid watching a lion dance when i was 4… take care