Verse Of The Day
“then know this, you and all the people of Israel: It is by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified but whom God raised from the dead, that this man stands before you healed.” (Acts 4:10,12)  listen to chapter  (Read by Max McLean. Provided by The Listener's Audio Bible.)

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  • MyBabyBay

    • Lunch

      Saturday Lunch Menu:

    • Sweet & Spicy Prawns.
    • Steamed Minced Meat With Eggs.
    • Garlic Fried Broccoli & Carrots.
    • Lotus With Ribs Soup.
    • I love cooking when I have the time. Usually I will cook during the weekends. I will do marketing in the morning to get fresh vege. I am from a Cantonese family so soup is a must. Everyone in the family loves soups. To prepare a nutritious soup, you must boil it at least for 2 hours. I feel great when my family enjoyed a nutritious meal.

      Steamed Minced Meat With Eggs

      Salted Egg (Diced the egg white and Scoop the egg yolk)
      Century Egg (Diced)
      Minced Pork (Marinate with 1 tablespoon of oyster sauce & a little soya sauce)
      3 Eggs
      150ml Warm Water
      Salt & Pepper to taste
      Spring Onions

      1. Beat the 3 eggs likely while adding the water.
      2. Mix the beaten egg with minced pork, century egg, salted egg.
      3. Add a pinch salt and pepper.
      4. Pour it into a steaming tray or bowl.
      5. Steam with medium heat for 15 minutes.
      (Note: High heat will harden the egg)
      6. Sprinkle spring onions and a little bit of cooked oil.


      Published on January 23, 2006 · Filed under: Parenting;

    8 Responses to “Lunch”

    1. Very nice dishes you have cook! Normally I would just cook 1 dish with 1 soup. Simple for 2 persons. 🙂

      And last Saturday, I have cook an ugly looking steamed egg!

    2. Wow.. so ‘foong fu’/sumptious your lunch. For lunch I normally just do 1 dish meal.. won’t cook so many dishes like you…

      I love sum-wong-jing-tan also, but I will not use meat, since I don’t take pork.. Yummy!

    3. lunch also so elaborate one ah?
      I love lotus root. Usually I will gasak all of it in the pot of soup cos no one else eats it in the family.

    4. me also… soup is a MUST! other dishes are optional 🙂

    5. Jefferene, Zara’s mum, King’s wife: Cook for dinner as well. 🙂

    6. Michelle,your 4 dishes look great and colorful. It is better than eating outside.

    7. My favourite “broccoli”..yummy yummy…
      Well, soup is a must for Wien, so my dish must include it…

    8. wah wah…before cny already cooking up a feast hehehe…