Verse Of The Day
“For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, mutual affection; and to mutual affection, love. For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.” (2 Peter 1:5-8)  listen to chapter  (Read by Max McLean. Provided by The Listener's Audio Bible.)

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  • MyBabyBay

    • The 3 (Originated From The 4)

      Jess tagged me. I am not a tag person but will do this because of Jess. However instead of 4, I will do 3.

      Cantonese: “Sun Lien Lau Lau, 4 4 mm ho tien, 3, 3 ho tit”
      English: 4 meaning die is a taboo for CNY, 3 meaning alive is better.

      3 jobs you’ve had in your life:
      1. Waitress in McDonald while waiting for SRP results. It was a good experience.
      2. Tutoring in University of NSW. Pays very good money too.
      3. Motherhood to Tim & Emily, Wife to my hubby, Daughter to my ma & pa.

      3 movies you could watch over and over:
      1. Mermaid.
      2. He’s a Woman, She’s a Man (Jing Zi Yu Ye)
      3. Kindergarten Cop.

      3 TV shows you love(d) to watch:
      1. The Apprentice & any reality show.
      2. CSI.
      3. TVB Drama Series.

      3 places you’ve lived:
      1. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
      2. Sydney, Australia.
      3. San Jose, US.

      3 places you’ve been on vacation to:
      1. Japan Toyko Disneyland.
      2. US LA Disneyland & Las Vegas.
      3. US Grand Canyon.

      3 places you would rather be:
      1. Home Sleeping.
      2. IKEA Shopping Mall. (I love looking at home deco).
      3. Seafood Buffet with Oyster, Salmon, Lobster.

      3 of your favourite foods:
      1. Baskin Robin’s World Class Choc Ice Cream.
      2. Asam Laksa with lots of vege.
      3. Mom’s Homecook meal (Can’t wait for CNY reunion dinner).

      3 of your favourite beverages:
      1. Green Tea.
      2. Teh Tarik from my company’s vending machine.
      3. Coffee Bean Ice Blended Choc.

      3 (or more) websites you visit daily:
      1. Google & Google Mail
      2. US Stock Exchange Website
      3. CNN

      3 blogs I wish to tag:
      1. BabySmooches
      2. Rachel’s Blog – Precious Moment
      3. Anyone who feels like doing this.

      Published on January 25, 2006 · Filed under: Information, Myself, Tag;

    4 Responses to “The 3 (Originated From The 4)”

    1. hehe..thanks for doing this tag!
      Wow..US stock exchange web wor…earning money in USD la!!

    2. Yeah, US Stock Exchange.. phew-weet.

      Btw, reunion dinner for you no need to be at in-laws? Can be in mum’s plc?

    3. Aiyo..again, really have to work on it lor…
      Btw, can i put the 2…(ez) kekeke..

    4. Ohhhh…Blogger down today, done my homework, but canot post…
      waaaahhhh..sob sob…