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Bedtime Story
Every evening before bed time, I will spend a quiet moment to read to my children. Although half of the time, they will not be listening but you will be surprise that they do learn from the story reading. Emily will try to flip the pages and Tim will be lying on the bed. I bought a bible for toddler where they have big pictures and a few lines for the story.
One story that I read to them goes like this:
The Tower of Babel
One day some me made a tall tower. It would make them look important. These men were very proud. But God did not like this.
For them to listen, I acted the story out. God was angry. Show them angry face. Why God angry I asked. I said, because people don’t listen to him. Show them angry face. I ask them “how angry?”. They show me their angry face. Why angry? Because people don’t listen to God. Pointing to the ear.
Now, whenever they don’t keep their toys, I said mummy is angry, I will show my angry face. Emily will try to follow by putting her both hands on the body and show her cute face. Tim will say, ” mummy angry”. Later they understand and keep their toys. Sometimes Tim says “Scare, Scare, mummy angry”.
Children can learn very fast at this age. My hubby has successfully thought Timothy how to pray at night. He can say a few lines and end with Amen. He can also sing, “Yes Jesus Loves Me†and “God is so goodâ€.
Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
Prov 22:6.
6 Responses to “Bedtime Story”
Sometimes, we just have to learn from the kids instead of the other way round, isn’t it?
They do learn a lot from the stories we read to them, from the way we act in front of them…
We really have to be concious.
I should really get a toddler bible for Zara… you got any to recommend?
michelle said on February 10th, 2006 at 12:47 pm
BabySmooches: Definately learning from them.
Zara’s mama: I bought this in MPH. Just put up the pictures for you. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0896930777/104-9635127-8967901?v=glance&n=283155
I heard Gladsounds have lots of children bible books too.
That’s is nice….
I bought 3 Bible Stories Book (thick) from Big BookShop warehouse. Each book has a few stories and cost me only RM3 perbook.
I try to read bedtime story for my girls, but in the end, the blah blah blah story to me, it prove — girls sure chatty.
wah that’s so patient of you…i read pretty monotonously hahaha…and no acting LOL, just counting the stuff in the book. so far only 2 sessions, lets hope we get more progress 😛