Verse Of The Day
“then know this, you and all the people of Israel: It is by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified but whom God raised from the dead, that this man stands before you healed.” (Acts 4:10,12)  listen to chapter  (Read by Max McLean. Provided by The Listener's Audio Bible.)

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  • MyBabyBay

    • Funny Talk

      Yesterday, my colleague was distributing full moon package. I took it home. During dinner, I asked Tim whether he wants a RED egg.

      Me: Tim, see RED egg, you want?
      Tim: Duck egg, got duck inside?
      Me: Not duck egg, chicken egg.
      Tim: Mother Hen.
      Me: Yeah Mother Hen lay it but no chicken inside.
      Tim: Mummy, see egg yolk. *put the whole yolk in his mouth*

      Dad was concerned about him eating the whole egg. I seldom give my children eggs because both of them are allergic child. After eating, rash will appear some where in their boy.

      Published on March 7, 2006 · Filed under: Parenting;

    9 Responses to “Funny Talk”

    1. How to relate RED with duck huh? *scratch head* Should ask the master of egg (Egghead) to give explanation. 😆

    2. Jesslyn said on

      I remember first time gave egg to Wien, she ask me whether will any chicken grow inside her body or not? 😆

      As I ever told her dun eat fruit’s seed, else the tree will grow from your body.. 😆 (mummy is lying too…)

    3. the master of egg is equally confused as well… LOL!

    4. What made Tim think dat the RED egg was duck egg? Haha, he expected to find a duck/chicken inside a duck/chicken egg? 😆

      Try giving him the egg whites cos I heard dat yolks are not very good for kids.

    5. Haha.. from red egg can relate to duck, mother hen etc. 😛
      They are allergy to egg? Poor thing.
      Zara doesn’t quite like eggs, even though she’s not allergy to it. 🙁

    6. my girls still not to the stage related the egg and chicken, anyway I never explain to them hahaha…

    7. Strange, my boys are also like that. Always ask whether the chicken is inside the egg.!!!

    8. Luckily my children didnt allergic with the egg if not i dunno what to cook for my son cause he is a very picky food.

    9. michelle said on

      Jefferene, Tracy: He associate all eggs with duck. Probably saw somewhere on TV that ducks laid egg.

      Jess: I remembered my grandma also told me the same thing about seed and tree growing on my head. I freak out when I swallow a plum seed accidentally.

      Egghead: A confused egghead. 😛

      Zara’s mama, 1+2mom: Fortunately he is not picky with food.

      Maria: Who cares at this stage, where it comes from, as long as it filled the tummy.

      Mag2tree: Tell him, needs mother hen to make that happen.