Verse Of The Day
“then know this, you and all the people of Israel: It is by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified but whom God raised from the dead, that this man stands before you healed.” (Acts 4:10,12)  listen to chapter  (Read by Max McLean. Provided by The Listener's Audio Bible.)

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  • MyBabyBay

    • Bad Timing

      I was on MC for 3 days. Eyes getting better but I am ban from wearing contact lens for at least 2 months.

      Today is my son’s birthday. I ordered a The Incredibles cake, his favourite cartoon. Over the weekend, I was packing all the party bags with goodies. I intend to give a small party in his school together with his school friends. The school is also on holiday so fewer children and lots of activities. His favourite activity is water play in the blown up pool.

      Yesterday, while I was playing with him, 38 °C. Oh my, he was having a fever. Birthday boy is having fever. Poor him. No party. No water play. No birthday cake. Now I have a cake and 35 party packs sitting in my fridge. What am I going to do with it?

      And I thought I could go back to work today.

      Weekend celebration with the family. I bought him a ice-cream cake. Before we can sing the birthday song, it started to melt.

      Enjoying his ice-cream cake.

      Published on March 14, 2006 · Filed under: Parenting;

    14 Responses to “Bad Timing”

    1. emmm… no wander so quiet this few days. hope you getting better, was it because of the saline?

      Happy Birthday to Tim :).

      the party bag distribute to his classmates when school open lor?

    2. michelle said on

      Maria: Hehehe, you are the third person who asked me this. The doctor also asked me whether I am using R**n*. 😆 No not because of saline. It is because I tend to over wear my contact lens, long hours. Eyes become very dry.

    3. Is he getting better today? If he doesn’t feel very sick, maybe can still go ahead with the birthday party minus the water play. 🙂

      I remembered I read about your post saying that whenever you plan for holidays, your kids tend to fall sick. Now, Tim is having fever on his birthday! Gosh!

      Happy Birthday to Tim!

      P/s: Just wanna kpc, do you believe in sub-concious mind? I have read a book that our sub-concious mind is determining the outcome of our day to day life. Eg: new car got accident, sick before the holidays plan etc are due to our sub-concious mind leading to the consequences. Something like that. Get a book and read, very interesting!

    4. Jesslyn said on

      Happy Birthday Tim! poor u, sick on great day! never mind, get well soon ya!

      Too bad, I stay too far from u, else can bring both girls go & celebrate with Tim!

    5. Happy B’day!!
      speedy recovery too!

    6. Too bad Tim! Get well soon ya 🙂

    7. Too bad Tim! Get well soon ya 🙂 Maybe mummy can do a replacement birthday party after he gets well hehehe…

    8. Hope you and your son get well soon.

    9. Aiyo.. the weather that bad huh in Penang?
      Hope Tim is getting better now. Was he dissapointed? Did he fret?
      The photo with him having the cake makes him look very old, like 7yrs old like that.

      Hope you 2 get well soon!


      Too bad he had to be sick on his birthday. I know u won’t believe this but still I have to tell u. The Chinese old folks believe dat small kids cannot ‘bear’ the big celebration.

      Maybe it’s just coincidences. It had happened to Destinee during her 1st and 2nd birthday too. We prepared so many things for the celebration and she had high fever on her birthday itself! So, her 3rd birthday, we didn’t celebrate, just among us (pappy, mommy and kakak) only.

      Well, at least Tim had an ice-cream for replacement. Hope he’s okay.

    11. Happy Birthday Tim. Hmm….he’s the same age as my younger boy. I don’t know about you , I feel very sad after their 3 year old mark. It’s like they are no longer baby…

    12. michelle said on

      Jefferene: *make sub-conscious mind think strike million dollars* 😆 I am a believer in God, so God plan everything for me to test my character.

      Thanks for the wish.

      Jess: Celebrated today at school with his friends.

      Egghead, Sue, 1+2 mom: Thanks.

      Zara’s mom: He is very tall for his age, inherited from daddy long legs. He is only 4.

      Tracy: Only happen in 4th birthday??!! :wall:

      MagicTree: Yes, I wish time goes slower.

    13. Big boy liao, 4yo :). Happy Belated Birthday.

    14. Happy Birthday to little Tim-my. No joke, the ice cream really is melting, that HOT over in Penang meh??