Verse Of The Day
“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” (Romans 15:13)  listen to chapter  (Read by Max McLean. Provided by The Listener's Audio Bible.)

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  • MyBabyBay


      Time flies so very fast, now my gal has grown so much. Either that or I am getting OLD. 😥 She outsmart mummy. Blame it on the DHA.

      Moments 1:
      Mummy: Emily, you want ice-cream?
      Emily: Iccce klim. *nod head*
      Mummy scoop ice-cream into the bowl and pass it to her.
      Emily: Tank you mummy.

      Mummy and Daddy were teaching Tim to say thank you after receiving something. Emily picked that up. Now every time she gets something, she say thank you.

      Moments 2:
      Mummy: What you want to watch?
      Emily: Barney
      Mummy: This one? *take something other than Barney*
      Emily: Mm moi. Mm moi. *make hand gesture and point to Barney VCD*
      Mummy: This one.
      Emily: *smile* Barney.
      Mummy: Go sit at the sofa to watch.
      Emily: *swing her little butt and climb onto the sofa*

      Moments 3:
      Mummy misplaced the air-condition remote control.

      Mummy: Where is the remote control?
      Emily: Here. *she point at the remote control*

      Sometimes she tricks mummy, say here but nothing there. 😮

      Moments 4:
      Emily dislikes putting on seatbelt. She is supposed to sit on her car seat but Timothy will rush and occupied the car seat. For short journey, I allow Emily to sit next to me without the car seat. When she starts standing or move around in the car…

      Mummy: Emily you want seatbelt?
      Emily: mm moi *shake head*
      Mummy: Sit properly

      Emily will sit properly but later she will start moving again. Mummy have to keep repeating.

      Published on April 5, 2006 · Filed under: Emily, Parenting;

    9 Responses to “WHOOSHHHH”

    1. it’s time like this you wish they could grow up slower 🙂

    2. Surely she’s growing up fast huh?? Sometimes don’t know to be happy or sad.

      Eh, she can speak Cantonese also?? So nice! Zara still just one single language!

    3. Good for u, as u hv another kaki to go shopping with u soon.. 😆

    4. michelle said on

      Egghead: Yes, I wish I can also grow younger. 😆

      Zara’s mama: Both my hubby and I are Cantonese. We will pass it down to our children. Now she knows more language than mummy, Mandarin, Hokkien, Cantonese, English and baby language. 😛

      Jess: Yeah one more child to dig holes in my pocket. 😛

    5. I like the picture very much, very nature..
      I really hope my family can grow bigger like your family, at least give me another daughter..

    6. Very nice picture! I like this kind of picture!

      hehe, my girl too found my watch easily while I was searching up and down in the house.

      Yee Ching now prefer to sit on the back seat (without baby car seat), I let her do it for short journey. 🙂

    7. I’ve got a similar picture but terbalik lah. Cheh cheh riding the bike and di di sit at the back. 🙂

    8. michelle said on

      Hui Sia, Jefferene: Yeah I love this picture too. I have it on my office desk.

      Mumsgather: Show…Show. 😀

    9. hehe time flies huh…now u easy life lahh..i still got long way to go man!!!