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Disney On Ice
I got some tickets to watch Disney On Ice over the weekends. Thanks to my friend who could get me 25% discount for the tickets. Tim was very eager to watch the show. He kept saying, he want to see Mickey Mouse, Buzz Lightyear and Incredibles which will be appearing. Every time, we pass by the poster, he will tell mummy he want to go watch.
The day came, we watched the 1 pm show, first show in Penang. Fortunately we went to see the first show, because later show have to wait outside the door for the previous show people to clear before they can entered. Imagine the hot sun.
The show was great, I enjoyed every bit of it. Emily didn’t. She slept through Act 1 and cried during Act 2. Probably she was too sleepy or hungry. She didn’t eat much at lunch time and mummy didn’t bring enough food to keep her happy. 😡
Anyway, it was not a big crowd. I would say 50% of the stadium was filled. My hubby took 200 shots, and here are a few for you to enjoy. I will certainly bring them to watch it again. By the way, I spend quite a bit to get those overprices souvenirs for Tim & Emily. The program book already cost RM30.
It was a great performance with a variety of fairy tales. I felt like I was in fairy tale land or in Disneyland. The stunts were ok, a few flips and twist. Music and dialogues were recorded. The program:
Act One
Goofy and the Zamboni
Finding Nemo
Beauty & the Beast
Classic Princesses
Toy Story
It’s a Small WorldAct Two
Mickey Leads the Band
The Incredibles
The Lion King
Published on April 17, 2006 · Filed under: Parenting;
12 Responses to “Disney On Ice”
egghead said on April 17th, 2006 at 11:01 am
I told my wife that we should take our son to see this ler… when is the next show? can get me discounts also? 🙂
Jesslyn said on April 17th, 2006 at 11:12 am
I thot cannot take photos one? Your hubby curi curi snap ka?
Look interesting hor, if Emily can hug the carton celebrity, sure she wouldn’t sleepy or fuss one! “smile: -
heheh… your pics turned out so nice!!! how many X zoom your hubby was using? watching the show is like fulfilling my childhood fantasy dream 🙂 my kids want to watch the again… so i’ll have an excuse next time 😆
MagicTree said on April 17th, 2006 at 1:53 pm
Last year, I watched Disney on Ice at Bukit Jalil. It was fabulous but then quite a number of the cast fell down….Ouch!
jazzmint said on April 17th, 2006 at 2:32 pm
wah looks nice to me…though i’m still not tempted to watch characters skating on ice hehehe…
michelle said on April 17th, 2006 at 3:06 pm
Egghead: Huh? The show is over already, wait for next year. Next time you ask me again.
Jess: A lot of people brought in camera. We were afraid but we took chances.
DG: All I know a very expensive zoom lens. Yeah yeah, I was in fantasy land for 2 hours. 😀
MagicTree: Yeah, quite painful if fall. No one fell on the show.
Jazz: Maybe not for you, for your kids. :p
Tracy said on April 17th, 2006 at 3:22 pm
Wow, such a good view of all the characters and the pics were so expertly taken. Did u all feel cold inside?
My elder daughter went with my cucu and they told me they really enjoyed from right at the beginning till the end. The souvenirs were really expensive being RM25 the cheapest and they got a bag which cost them RM30.
I’m going to make sure I won’t miss the show next year.
Looks quite nice huh?? I think those kids below 2 will find it hard to sit through the whole thing..
Why you go and buy the program book la.. RM30 some more :shock
I heard kids below 3yrs old is free right? B’cos my friend went, and she only had to pay for herself and her hubby’s ticket.
michelle said on April 18th, 2006 at 9:18 am
Tracy: Hehehe, from where we were sitting, we could not see the skater’s face as clear as the camera. I was telling Egghead, the camera have zoom lens but not our eyes. Not really cold from where we are sitting. The stadium is fairly large.
Zara’s mama: Donno, I am those who likes to keep programs. The ticketing officer told me that children below 2 do not need a ticket. I just bought 1 for Tim. They were not strict in checking. I think some folks got away with it. However, in the T&C, they specified that they could prevent the child from entering if no ticket.
looked like an interesting show. i wish to bring my girl to see this kind of show too, but wait till she is a little bigger first.
Hui Sia said on April 19th, 2006 at 9:09 am
So pity the show is over. I think my Jo will love the show very much!
Self-proclaimed Domestic Goddess » Blog Archive » We went to watch Disney on Ice too! said on August 21st, 2006 at 2:40 pm
[…] So we took the kids to watch Disney on Ice last Saturday. We watched the 4:30pm show. I will not be posting photos here since Michelle has posted some fantastic shots on her site. None of my shots can ever measure up to that. […]