Verse Of The Day
“For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, mutual affection; and to mutual affection, love. For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.” (2 Peter 1:5-8)  listen to chapter  (Read by Max McLean. Provided by The Listener's Audio Bible.)

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  • MyBabyBay

    • All In A Day’s Work

      Last weekend I took my children to take their photographs for passport application. Hubby cannot do it with his camera because we have no spot lights and back drop. Emily didn’t cooperate. Every time we put her on the chair, she walked towards mummy. When mummy carry her on the lap, she struggle to get away. Fortunately mummy brought jelly and attracted her to cooperate. She looks a bit grumpy in the photo.

      Today I brought them to immigration. We had breakfast, took our own sweet time to get there. I know if we go there before the office open, there will be people queuing up and takes a while for the officers to serve all those people. There will be a longer wait. By the time we reached there, at 9am, it was just right. I took the number and I was the next to be served. (This only apply to Penang Immigration, not sure about other state).

      Documents Required For Children:

    • Birth Cert & Copy
    • Either parent’s IC & Copy
    • 2 photos
    • RM150
    • They took Tim’s thumb prints. He was very excited when the officer took his prints. He kept telling me. Emily do not need to. We got everything done in 30 minutes, not bad. :good: However when we collect the passport, I need to bring them there again. 🙁

      Later we went to the NRD, to change Tim’s birth cert. Apparently the ink on the birth cert smear onto the plastic cover. Cheapo ink I guess. I have to pay RM5 for that. NRD Penang change building, the place is so spacious with lots of chair outside the office. Not sure why they want so many chairs there. It is just a waste of tax payer money. Opps.

      Next, my hubby wanted to change his religion on his myKad. Probably he felt left out when all of us have our religion as Christian, and his was Buddha. He is a Christian, so nothing wrong with changing. Funny it is not Buddhist but Buddha. Anyway the NRD have to redo the entire myKad, just to change a value in 1 field. I believe they cannot change any value in the smart chip or they do not have a chip writer. Oh what do I know?

      Next half of my day, I went to work. I have been busy these few days. Left Right Center also got work. A few projects due in the same month. I have been sitting in the same place for 7 years and I have to move to another area. 🙁 The place I am sitting belongs to another company. It is rather complicated to explain. Maybe when I have time, I will blog about it.

      By the way, I got to know this from DrLiew’s blog that you can read myKad using Astro. Go try it and have fun. I am too poor to own Astro.

      Published on April 19, 2006 · Filed under: Information, Parenting, Service;

    7 Responses to “All In A Day’s Work”

    1. this is good for those who are intrested in getting passport done..

    2. collect passport also need to bring the children one ah? you sure?

    3. egghead: yup! Got to bring them along for face “verification”, funny hor! 😆

      Emily wear that shirt like china doll ler… 🙂

    4. Hmm… interesting…. use Astro read MyKad, then who need the card reader? Oops! not everyone have Astro :P.

      Last time hubby tried to take the twins’ photos for passport too, and… LOL…. he use Photoshop tilt back Annabelle head LOL… but in the end we let the studio do the job.

    5. michelle said on

      Zara’s mama: I must say that immigration here has improved their process.

      Egghead: Yes, definitely sure. By the way, for Tim, he needs to thumb print during collection.

      Jess: It was a costume from the studio, coz what she was wearing was not suitable.

      Maria: Next time, you can provide card reader service with astro, and earn some $$.

    6. Emily with chinese costume, so sweet!

    7. Ai…they both look so cute. Hey…dun say that la… Astro is cheaper than the new cable tv. I am sure u can one…dun bluff. 🙂