Verse Of The Day
“then know this, you and all the people of Israel: It is by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified but whom God raised from the dead, that this man stands before you healed.” (Acts 4:10,12)  listen to chapter  (Read by Max McLean. Provided by The Listener's Audio Bible.)

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  • MyBabyBay

    • Changing Topic

      My children learn the art of changing topic when confronted with things they do not like to hear.

      Emily’s Story

      As I was picking her up from the nanny, as usual the nanny will talk about her.

      Nanny: Emily didn’t want to eat rice, run here and there. I took the cane out, only she sit quietly to eat,

      Emily interrupted: Mummy see. *pointing at the TV* So farnee. Hehehehe…see, mummy see.

      Nanny: Emily, ni yo kwai tan, ma?. *spoke in mandarin* meaning are you a rotten egg?

      Emily: Mummy shoe shoe, wear. Wear Shoe. Bye Bye Yi Yi.

      Mummy: :whistle:

      Tim’s Story

      Daddy: You sayang mei mei or not? *knowing he always bully mei mei*

      Tim: Aiyo train long long one.

      Daddy: Daddy asked you, you sayang Emily or not?

      Tim: Later you buy me black car ah?

      I really do not know where they learn it from but somehow both can just switch topic. Either children getting smarter or as parents, we are too easy on them.

      Published on April 22, 2006 · Filed under: Emily, Parenting, Timothy;

    5 Responses to “Changing Topic”

    1. those skill come with the package when they born, time release when they growing up 😆

    2. Hahaha.. clever.. can be politicians next time.. 😛

    3. my son also does that… he starts it off with a nervous laugh first… LOL!

    4. I call them “pusing” queen… 😆

    5. They have the DHA, SRA ….. etc. in them mar.

      My girl will go away or when I catch hold of her and ask her straight in the eye, she’ll stare at me and say “huh? huh? huh?”