Verse Of The Day
“then know this, you and all the people of Israel: It is by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified but whom God raised from the dead, that this man stands before you healed.” (Acts 4:10,12)  listen to chapter  (Read by Max McLean. Provided by The Listener's Audio Bible.)

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  • MyBabyBay

    • Fright

      Yesterday, I took the children shopping. After returning, I send them to bed because it was late. They both went to sleep. I went downstairs and continue working until 1a.m. I went up to my bedroom. Usually I will on the stairs light and open the bedroom door and check that the children are sleeping properly, before I switch off the light to go to bed.

      By the way, this is not a ghost story. 😛 When I went into the room, I saw hubby and Timothy sleeping. Emily was missing. She was not on the bed and no where to be found. No, she was not underneath any blanket. It gave me a fright. I looked outside other rooms, not there. Where could she be? I switch on the room dimmer lights, which I can adjust the brightness, so that I don’t wake Tim and my hubby up. I couldn’t find her.

      Later I heard some sound coming beneath the bed. She was sleeping under the bed. I don’t know how she could crawl as I had pillow covering the hole and the height of the bed is low. I slowly help her out. She wasn’t crying at all and after she came out, she just continued sleeping. :sc: There was no bum on her head. What a fright! 😯

      Published on April 30, 2006 · Filed under: Emily, Parenting;

    9 Responses to “Fright”

    1. LOL…was she sleep walking or went for treasure hunt something? she was terrible.

    2. aiks..roll off under the bed!! Happened to my girl also, but body under bed, head still on the mattress haha….and amazing emily can still sleep thru huh

    3. hohoho! Like that also can ah! 😯 Emily is really terror!

      My bed is place on a divan, the spacing between divan and floor is less than 1cm, so no way to put the fingers underneath not to mention sleep under the bed. 🙂

    4. hahaha..she so cute lar!

    5. Oh, at first i thought she was going to toilet.
      Maybe she walked down and don’t know how then under the bed.

    6. she must be cute…must have played too much hide and seek with kor kor.

    7. Haha.. what a fright.. playing hide and seek with mummy!

    8. Emily was trying to play ‘peekaboo’ with u. Wah, really scared u there. How did she climb down from the bed and go under the bed? Under the bed wor? *wondering and scratching head*

    9. michelle said on

      Maria: Certainly no treasure under the bed except dust. 😀

      Jazz: Not sure whether she was sleep crawling underneath the bed. 😯

      Jefferene: Ours is about 6-8 inches high. Need to get a lower bed.

      Jess: After finding her, it was funny. Before it wasn’t.

      Huisia: Emily haven’t learn how to turn the knob yet.

      Sabrina: Kor Kor was snoring on his bed.

      Zara’s mama: I hope next time she tells me when she is playing hide and seek with mummy. :wall:

      Tracy: Currently she is sleeping on the mattress on the floor.