Verse Of The Day
“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” (Romans 15:13)  listen to chapter  (Read by Max McLean. Provided by The Listener's Audio Bible.)

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  • MyBabyBay

    • Cry

      Both my children have different expression when crying


      She will move her mouth downwards. In Cantonese, it is called “been chui”. Then she makes crying sound or sometimes yelling. Later her tears will flow out. She will put her fingers into the mouth. She will then roll on the floor. If you try to pick her up, she will struggle to get away. For a little gal, she has strength like a bull. If you leave her alone for a while like 1-2 min, later go saying her, she will stop.


      He will move his eyebrow like a china man look with two of them pointing at the nose. Then his tears will flow and sound will come. He will start rubbing his eyes with both of his hands. At one time, he rubbed so hard that the skin near the eye went red and bruise a little. He will find mummy and put his head on mummy so that I can sayang him. He will stop once I sayang him.

      Published on May 4, 2006 · Filed under: Emily, Parenting, Timothy;

    9 Responses to “Cry”

    1. Seems like Tim is more manja than Emily huh! 🙂

      My girl cry like Emily too!

      p/s: why you too started password protected your post?

    2. So cute! Good observation!

    3. Can judge by their characters in this way. Tim, I guess, being the elder of the sibling will be the more manja one and Emily on the other hand is the more independent one. (heehee, I keep recalling the post where Emily took no notice of Tim crying beside her and continued enjoying her TV programme – she’s so adorable)

    4. sounds like Emily more independant than her kor-kor :D. We have seen Tim cry what, the video that Emily shows her love to kor-kor when he crying LOL… but not yet see Emily cry video :).

    5. Your description of Emily sounds very much like my boy (my second born) and of Tim sounds like my girl (the firstborn). Maybe it just means that the older ones are more manja, while the younger ones are more independant.

    6. michelle said on

      Jefferene: I would say both also as manja.

      MagicTree: I love observing them.

      Tracy: Yeah, I love that video too.

      Maria: Will capture it especially for you. Opps, must wait till she cry first.

      Mumsgather: Hey we have so much in common, I meant our children.

    7. Wow,rolling on the floor?! Roll also if staying outside?

    8. He he.. so cute.. you should take a photo of Tim.. I know the ‘pin jui’ look, but can’t imagine Tim’s expression.

    9. michelle said on

      Hui Sia: She rolls everywhere.

      Zara’s mama: Here a few blogs about Tim crying, I haven’t capture Emily’s one yet.