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After reading twinmom’s blog on ZiHeng’s head. I immediately to look at Emily’s head, I already knew Tim has a swirl. Hers is so special, it has branches. Anyone know what hers mean? :sc: MIL told me once before if got more spirals meaning very naughty and difficult to discipline. My nephew has 2. Some folk tales said that if it swirl in certain direction, it can determine the next child’s gender. Branches telling me to STOP. 😆
10 Responses to “Swirls”
Ohh… hhahaha… yah, it did looks like branches instead of swirl, OK then, from now on we take this as a “stop” sign LOL…
emm… then ask your mom, how about the two swirls go different direction and form a heart shape, any old folk tale about that?
egghead said on May 11th, 2006 at 7:07 am
so much interpretations one ah? I think you all think too much liao 😛
Jesslyn said on May 11th, 2006 at 9:39 am
“swirl direction can determine the next child’s gender”? Not true for me ler…old folk said my next will be boy when they saw Wien’s swirl (i was so happy!), but come out still girl ler! “wall:
Tracy said on May 11th, 2006 at 12:21 pm
Just saw ZiHeng’s 3 swirls and got me interested in ur Emily’s ‘branches’. Wow! Another eye opener for me. 3 swirls and now BRANCES???
Branches telling to STOP? Not indicating dat u should continue ‘branching’ out meh? :ol:
zara's mama said on May 11th, 2006 at 2:22 pm
they said if first child swirl is clockwise, then next child will be different gender fr the first.. And if it’s anti clockwise, then the next child will be of the same sex..
But I found most people have swirl clock wise..
michelle said on May 11th, 2006 at 2:40 pm
Maria: Two Swirls in different directions, a pair of twins lor. 😆 Egghead will get triplets next round. :p
Egghead: If no think so much, nothing to blog mah.
Jess: Don’t let Lyon hear that.
Tracy: Me too, actually branches indicate that she doesn’t have enough hair on the top.
Zara’s mama: Now do u look at the outer to inner or inner to outer. :sc:
MagicTree said on May 11th, 2006 at 2:58 pm
Learn new thing today – branches on the head! My brother has 2 swirls on his head – and now a very fierce lawyer!
I’ve heard of this swirl thingy too. In fact, I’ve also heard of the no. of lines on the baby’s thigh. Not sure whether true or not.
1+2mom said on May 13th, 2006 at 12:15 am
I heard ppl said about the baby nipple in line or rounded also can know next baby will be boy or gal wor. Dunno is true or not??
My twins both same direction wor so i scare also a gal then we stop here 😛
allyfeel said on May 16th, 2006 at 4:40 pm
hehehe…got such tale one arr? Never heard of it.