Verse Of The Day
“For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, mutual affection; and to mutual affection, love. For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.” (2 Peter 1:5-8)  listen to chapter  (Read by Max McLean. Provided by The Listener's Audio Bible.)

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  • MyBabyBay

    • LCCT

      I decided to challenge myself on a mission. It sounds like I am going for a battle. I booked Penang -> KL free AA flights in Dec for Wesak long weekends. Due to unforeseen circumstances, my hubby could not make it. I wanted to celebrate Mother’s day in KL with my mum and bring my children to visit grandma & grandpa.

      For those who do not know what LCCT is? It is Low Cost Carrier Terminal, low cost airport for AA flights. I heard it used to be a warehouse.


    • Plenty of carparks.
    • A few duty free shops, McD, a asian recipe café and coffee bean.
    • Plenty of check in counters, each per flights. Closed 45 mins before flight take off. If you come late, you will not be able to check-in.
    • No tickets and all free seating.
    • Priority was given to parents with children under 12, pregnant lady, senior citizen and handicap to board the plane first. :good:
    • Cons:

    • It takes about 1 hour from KL to LCCT and 20 km away from KLIA. It is just after the Sepang F1 Track. There is a bus cost RM9 from KL central to LCC. If you are driving, just follow the LCC signboard.
    • Difficult for handicap to travel on AA flight, no facility for the wheelchair to go up the plane.
    • Have to cross the runway, we have to be careful so that we don’t get run over by a plane
    • Stairway up and down the plane is shaky.
    • Stewardess will come around to sell food or drinks. No free food & outside food.
    • Leather seat but no declining feature, have to sit upright.
    • I had 1 luggage, 1 hand carry and 2 children with me. The trick is to complete the mission successfully is to bring plenty of finger food or candy. At the Penang airport, it was a bit chaotic as people were rushing to get to the front. Reason being, the kiasu ppl wants to get the best seating, as it was free seating. Anyway, the officer made sure there was a queue for parents with children under 12, senior citizen and pregnant lady to board the plane first. I had to carry Emily and hold Tim’s hand. Although I was first in Q but I gave way to a family with 2 children on strollers, 2 uncles, 3 aunts and an old guy on the wheel chair. The old guy had to walk down the stairs from the Penang airport and walk up the plane stairs. Anyway I was next to board the plane with children. I was relief after I was on the plane.

      Later both Emily and Tim were occupied with a lollipop. When we exit the plane, the staircase down was shaking. I was afraid Tim will fall, he kept looking downwards. Fortunately a gentleman helped me by holding his hand. We reached KL safely.

      Friday Night: Mother’s day dinner with my family.


      Morn: Kizsport in 1U
      Afternoon: Lunch at Shogun buffet. I was a bit frustrated because I couldn’t find the door as I went to the back of the restaurant. Lots to eat but sad to say only 1 oyster each. 🙁 There was plenty of sushi, scallops, clams, sashimi, salmon, ice-cream for the children, mochi, fruits, tempuras, teriyaki, noodles, soups and plenty of drinks. Adult is RM48 ++ weekends and public hols. After that, did some shopping, children were tired. Emily eyes were small when we were in the car. Tim said “Emily eyes small small, my eyes big big”. Later after 5 mins drive, both doze off.
      Evening: Enjoyed mum’s cooking. Yummy


      Morn: Midvalley shopping. There were so many sales, but I couldn’t shop with the children. I rented 2 car trolleys for them to drive around the mall. They enjoyed it. RM4 per hour, RM3 for subsequent hour. However, I still got some goodies for me and the children.
      Lunch: My cousins treated us for another mother’s day.
      Dinner: Enjoyed mum’s cooking again.


      Prepare to go home. The children slept in the car on the way to LCC, it is a good thing. It will be difficult for me if they slept on the plane. I cannot carry 2 sleeping children down the plane. They did some coloring on the plane. When I return to my home, I sent both children to nap so that I can unpacked and relax. Mission completed!! PHEW. I felt so satisfied. Next morning, I had to return to work and received good news that I received a bonus. 😎 Next mission in July, tune in and I will surprise you.

      P/S Thank God for helping me throughout the trip! :pray:

      Published on May 16, 2006 · Filed under: Information, Parenting, Travel;

    14 Responses to “LCCT”

    1. jesslyn said on

      Wonder can I manage to take kids out alone or not?
      wow still go bonus hah? congratulations wor!

    2. wha! pui fok, pui fok… one person handle two kids take flight, read about it I feel tire liao *panting*…

      Have to cross the runway, we have to be careful so that we don’t get run over by a plane — I know anything can happen, but still… LOL… feel so unlikely… but like I say anything could happen LOL…

    3. michelle said on

      Jess & Maria: And I thot I was the late bird, what are you 2 doing up so late. 😆 Children all sleep liao? *yawn*

    4. Ekk, without daddy still can woh! :clap:

      I think I want to try to take my girl for some short trips too.

    5. hehe..glad that u took up the challenge and didn’t have to pay for the forfeit. Can bring outside food one, just smuggle lah. My hubby brings *loh mai mai* into cockpit and eat, even bring his own tea to drink, only take hot water kakaka

    6. michelle said on

      Jefferene: Trick is make them tired and don’t give them too much sugar…:lol: All the best for your short trips, do tell us all about it.

      Jazzmint: Yes, I saw a pilot smuggling nasi lemak too. Wow, AA management doesn’t feed their pilots ah? I always assume, they will have a good meal before flying, compliment from AA. No wonder AA is profitting.

    7. Hey, what happened to the ticket you booked but your husband couldn’t make it? You still have to pay for the taxes and all?

      I always wonder.

      The thing about AA flight I don’t like is the kiasu passenger. Some people even put bags on the seat next to them, in the hope that nobody will sit there, so they have 2 seats to themselves after take off..

    8. Hey, I went to LCCT for the first time too during the Mother’s Day weekend. Went to fetched my sis on Friday night from LCCT and fetched her there again on Sunday evening…. Really far inside lah, compared to KLIA terminal

    9. *started reading ur post with mouth open and gasping as I went on* Carried Emily with Tim tagging along and…. and…. and…. had to carry a luggage all the way from Penang to KL? Phew! I’m speechless! HOW DID U DO DAT? But U MADE IT! It was such a challenge. *salute salute*

    10. michelle said on

      Zara’s mama: Yes, it was forfeited. If I change the date of his ticket, AA will charge another RM50. I didn’t bother.

      BabySmooches: Yeah it was pretty far. Too bad, I touched down on Fri afternoon, if not I can bum into you.

      Tracy: Life is pretty boring without challenges. You just reminded me to thank God for helping me throughout the trip. The hand carry was a knapsack. Luggage check in. After landing, I used the trolley to help me, put the luggage on the trolley and they sat on top of my luggage. I told them it was a choot choot train ride. They love it. I guess both my children didn’t give me much problem.

    11. 11.26pm you call it late? m-hai-gua… this is the best time to bloghopping wor 😆

    12. Michelle, what a trip for such a short weekend….Your 2 kids very ‘kuai’ and didn’t give you much problem…

    13. michelle said on

      Maria: Hehehe….no meh?? What time do you sleep? What time does your children wake up? Got enough sleep ah? 🙂

      Chanel: Yeah they are very kuai when they don’t fight.

    14. kids from 10pm to 9am, me from 2am to 9am, enough gua… not included nap leh… *sai-meng* 😛