Verse Of The Day
“Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation, now that you have tasted that the Lord is good.” (1 Peter 2:2-3)  listen to chapter  (Read by Max McLean. Provided by The Listener's Audio Bible.)

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  • MyBabyBay

    • Surgery

      I am back!! I had my surgery on Monday morning and it was very successful that I recovered on the same day. The surgeon was surprised to see me so alert after the surgery. I am in not much pain. Anyway, it was over and I am glad.

      The waiting for the surgery drove me crazy. I went in at 8:00am, kept asking the nurse when is my turn? It was schedule at 9:30am but only called to go into the operation theatre at 10:00am. Hehehe, I was anxious to get it done. I had terrible thoughts that I will not come out alive. I had 2 surgical on thyroid and 2 c-sect operations. Funny I wasn’t afraid when I had the c-sect, maybe because at the end I had something to look forward too, like Tim & Emily.

      The first thyroid op was very frightening to me. I cried all the way into the op. It was my first ever and they left me in the cold and quiet waiting area. I was so frightened. They left me there for 10-15 minutes it is like forever. The one I just had was not so bad but the anaesthetic doctor prick me real painful. After many silly questions, they pushed me into the op theatre. They moved me to the op table. The spotlights were above me. Let me inhale some oxygen while the anaesthetic doctor pricks me some more. After that, I passed out and action begun.

      When the surgery is over, the nurse will wake you up. You have to answer them, else they will keep calling and hit your face. They put me under a warmer and observed me for a few minutes. Later pushed me to the observation wad. That’s it. The first day, I am not supposed to eat anything. I had to wait for the anaesthetic to vanish from my body. It may cause vomiting if I did. I could walk down the bed and talk on the first day. 2nd day was very alert, could watch TV and eat. Third day, I was out of there. Anyway there was no rest in the hospital, nurses come in and out to check your temperature, BP and pulse. At 8am, they come in to change the bed sheets. Home is the best.

      The surgeon is darn funny, at least he made me laugh. Laughter is the best medicine. Here are his funny remarks:

      Surgeon: I am having flu but I didn’t have any chicken.

      Surgeon: Later they will push you into the ops theatre, and the anaesthetic doctor will take a hammer and knock you out.

      Me: My left lip is swollen, what happened in the op?
      Surgeon: When they pull out the breathing tube must have injured your lip. Do you have a lawyer? You can sue the hospital for negligence, if you are in US.

      Me: I don’t have to take the pain killer if I feel no pain.
      Surgeon: Are you a ninja? So tough ah?

      Thanks for those praying for me. :pray:

      Published on June 28, 2006 · Filed under: Myself, Parenting;

    10 Responses to “Surgery”

    1. So glad the surgery was smooth. Eh, your surgeon darn funny. 😆 Cannot sue the hospital in Msia meh?

    2. good lah! at least you got a funny surgeon… maybe he is working part time as a party clown? LOL!

    3. ohh… glad everything went well. 😀

    4. Hope you continue to feel better and better. Your surgeon makes good jokes eh?

    5. Wah Michelle, you are very brave..Glad that it is over and hope you are feeling much better now..

    6. Great! Now rest more ya….enjoy your 15 days leave!

    7. Hei, u are back! Glad to hear dat the u had a smooth operation. The befores and afters sounded so much like the C-Sect operation leh. Rest more and don’t shout too much at Tim or Emily, okay? heeheehee.

    8. Rest good,,, 🙂

    9. Glad to know you are ok 🙂
      Your surgeon really funny, good for you at least you will not be so nervous.

    10. Gosh!!! I didn’t know you went thru such tough times but really glad and happy that you are such optimistic girl. 🙂 I truly agreed with you that laughter is the best medicine. Take good care.