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Emily’s First Day
Yesterday was Emily’s first day at school. I had to send her to school, as my babysitter was not in her good health condition to take care of her. She needs rest. I always have babysitters who have health problem, wonder why? One with thyroid problem, she went for an op like me, another with back pain and now this with kidney stones.
On Sunday, I prepared Emily for school. We went out to get her a pretty bag with a push handle. She loves it so much that she pushed it in around the mall. :eh: She didn’t want to let go of it until we reached home. She was all excited to follow Tim to school.
The day came, she happily sit in the car anticipating getting to school. She went into the school compound but she thought I will be joining her. Little does she know that I have to leave her there with the kor kor. Tip for parents, don’t stay if your child is crying and just leave ASAP. It will make matter worst if you do. After we left, she was back to normal. The teacher told us that she didn’t want to eat her lunch or drink milk. However, in the evening, she finished 3 biscuit and dinner.
When I picked her up, she was very happy kept telling me what she learned in school. She point to every thing that was hung in the nursery and tell me what it was. She was in a chatty mood too. Today the same episode she cried when she reached school. Now I guess she is enjoying herself. 😆
13 Responses to “Emily’s First Day”
jesslyn said on July 4th, 2006 at 2:32 pm
Tip for parents, don’t stay if your child is crying and just leave ASAP…wonder can i make it or not? :think:
I can’t wait to send the girls to school!
the twins are driving me crazy to the wall and bounce back to the ceiling this few days *boohoohoo*…
egghead said on July 4th, 2006 at 4:14 pm
don’t think I can leave on the first few days ðŸ™
chanelwong said on July 4th, 2006 at 5:26 pm
I totally agree with michelle’s tip. When we left Jeriel at church nursey, he cried but after we left, later on, Jeriel was ok. Got to trust the teacher…
chanelwong said on July 4th, 2006 at 5:26 pm
add….Bravo Emily for being such a brave girl…
Tracy said on July 5th, 2006 at 1:27 am
Emily’s going to pre-school? So soon? No need to accompany her the first 2 days? She really is a brave girl. Is she in the same school with Tim? Maybe she knows her kor kor is around dat made her feel better.
I dread at the thought of sending Des to school next year. I’m very sure she’ll be crying her heart out without me around. Guess I have to prepare myself for the worse.
mumsgather said on July 5th, 2006 at 9:14 am
Cool Bag! I oso want. Haha.
jazzmint said on July 5th, 2006 at 1:08 pm
finally decide to send her to pre-school huh…looks like she enjoys every bit of it, soon she will waive bye bye to u when u drop her off in the morning :).
her bag looks very cool too hehe….
Magictree said on July 5th, 2006 at 2:20 pm
No sweat for Emily. No sweat for Mummy also! I think for Jess and Tracy, no need to worry cos next year your girls are already 5 years old……..I don’t remember seeing any 5 year olds crying in No1’s class last time.!
Rachel said on July 5th, 2006 at 4:56 pm
I totally agreed with your tips. They will enjoy themself very much.
Bravo Emily.
I was thinking to send Alvan to nursery too, he is 9mths now, mayb too soon hor…ok be patient -
Vien said on July 6th, 2006 at 5:58 am
Hurray! Really a milestone for Emily. I’m debating on sending Belle to a day-care. Will blog about that soon.
michelle said on July 7th, 2006 at 7:04 pm
Jess: You sure can.
Maria: I am sure you have exciting story to blog about.
Egghead: Learn to let go…either u or LS. 😆
Chanel: Yeah Sunday School helps to train Emily too.
Tracy: Mummy too sick to accompany her mah. Hehehe…
Mumsgather: Sorry last one, if I see one, will send one to you.
Jazz: She actually wave bye bye to her friends at the end of the day but still cry in the morning.
Magictree: Hahaha…but I heard mothers’ cry outside the class. :giggles:
Rachel: Yeah too soon, let him enjoy first.
Vien: Love to hear about it.
Vichelle said on July 10th, 2006 at 6:43 pm
wow, mich, emily goes to school already. you were mentioning she was in a chatty mood. can she talks 100% now?