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Florist II
Continuing my story from yesterday, about the extremely unsatisfactory florist. As most of you commented, it will be offensive to tell my kind friend about it. On the other hand, I was very grateful what she has done. I send a thank you message to her, expressing my gratitude. Knowing her, she asked me how was the gift. Oh oh. In the end, I told her about it, in a tactful manner. She said she wants to look at it, so I took a picture and send it to her.
What I got: What was ordered: She was furious, not with me but with the florist. She called the florist and I suppose bombarded her. They were in shocked when they saw the picture too. They apologized and will resend another bouquet to me. Weird, they should send an apology bouquet to my friend too. They have to send it to my office as I already started work. The bouquet came, a very small one. Peculiarly, it was send to an admin, usually bouquet are received by the receptionist. The admin called me to pass it to me. Casually I asked, why did it land on your desk? You know what she told me? The florist shop belongs to her manager’s (Senior Manager’s position) wife. Oh oh. What a small world?
I blog this NOT because I want to offend my friend or put her in an awkward position. I really thank her for the special gift and the thoughtfulness of her. This blog is to let you know that when you order anything from the Internet, you really have to be careful, especially from people you do not know. There is a case where this guy bought a second hand notebook and when he got it, it was already broken.
As for florist, usually they will use affiliate florist if it is from another state. The affiliate florist will not have a clue or picture what the customer order. It is merely base on descriptions.
p/s The chicken essences are at the bottom of the basket but a different brand. Not sure whether it tastes good, I let you know when I tasted it. 😛
8 Responses to “Florist II”
Why would the florist send you another bouquet? She should send you the ‘remainder’ of the gifts. Like your bottle of Ribena and your chicken essence!
What a con job this florist is. -
egghead said on July 13th, 2006 at 11:09 am
lidat also can ah? wah lau!
last time when my wife delivered… some frens also send me online ordered stuff… very nicely packed and delivered wor… I dun think everyone is bad gua 🙂 -
jesslyn said on July 13th, 2006 at 12:19 pm
Good stuff are missing, guess “eaten” by the boss lor ! 😆
Allyfeel said on July 13th, 2006 at 1:26 pm
yalor hor…we shoud be careful ordering from the net. I will make sure to ask my friend to send me photo of the delivered gift to see if it’s what I order. 🙂
But that’s such a huge difference. They must have trying to cut cost ler. Drink the chic essense themselves already. 😯
michelle said on July 13th, 2006 at 1:37 pm
Zara’s mama: Sorry, I am not allowed to demand coz I am only the receiver. 😛 I still think, they should send an apology bouquet or refund a discount to my friend.
Egghead: Maybe this florist is not good. Last time I ordered flowers for my mum thru http://www.111flowers.com, also not bad. Usually it is what you see what you get. Otherwise, the florist will inform the customer.
Jess: The same stuff, just different size.
Allyfeel: The chicken essense is at the bottom of the basket, sorry the pic wasn’t that clear.
chanelwong said on July 13th, 2006 at 2:52 pm
quite a lot of diff…the milo supposed to be a tin not a packet etc….
Vien said on July 13th, 2006 at 3:38 pm
wah, really kena jibbed. er, can email me this shop’s website ar? I order flowers for my mom every year online. I wanna make sure I don’t give business to this shop.
Sabrina said on July 17th, 2006 at 5:31 pm
This florist really con ppl lar. Should let everyone know which company then boycott them. Too much lar…