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Worst Week
Last week was the worst week I ever had. It all started with a phone ring. It was my SIL, she told me Emily’s school principal called my MIL, saying Emily had a febrile seizure. We rushed to the hospital as the principal brought her in. When we reached there she was back to normal but feeling nausea. I carried her so that she will not feel frightened. She vomited a little on me. Her temperature was stabilized as she was given the suppository. She may inherit my fit as I had so many episode when I was young.
The principal told us she was normal, body temperature was all right. I did check her temperature before I left the house. Usually in the morning, she can wake up with a temperature. It was 36.9?C. It happened, she fell and started vomiting, the jerk begun. Quickly, the principal send her to the nearby hospital. It is 5 minutes drive or less. The emergency team gave her suppository and gave her oxygen. The nurses told us, her fever reached 39?C and was blue. The sudden rise in temperature gave her the seizure. All her teachers freak out because it was the first time they ever witness a febrile seizure.
She had to stay in the hospital for further supervision. Her fever was up and down. I had to stay with her. It went on for 5 days. Now she has recovered. I have fallen sick myself.
In the hospital, the nurses can be very ridiculous. They come in after midnight, I don’t mind them check the temperature and pulse. They will wake me up to ask me how much milk had my gal taken. Please, I need my rest too. Come back in the morning and ask me again. 😡 Later they will come at 6am, with the medicine and ask to feed the child. They are so robotic. After, staying there for 2 nights, I had it, I kept asking the doctor for discharged. I took wad leave after the 3rd day, took my gal back to have a better rest and shower. In the end, due to lack of sleep or probably the germs in the hospital, make me sick with fever, headache and flu.
After much said, I like what Dr Greene said in his article about febrile seizure that “In fact, some evidence suggests that children who have had febrile seizures end up brighter than their peers, on average!” :clap: Now I have to supervise her and Tim closely when it comes to fever. Any mild fever, they have to take fever medication.
By the way, doctor said, haze is the cause of poor health in children. Many children admitted with high fever. I saw one child whose temperature reached 40?C. 😯 Avoid taking your child out if you can, if it is hazy.
13 Responses to “Worst Week”
maria @ twinsmom said on August 6th, 2006 at 3:22 pm
this was scary. but what Dr. Greene said kind of like a silver lining of the cloud.
take care yah, hug for you and kiss for Emily.
BTW, yah, I know it is very annoying in the hospital stay, the admit the patient want them to rest, but keep waking people up *sigh*.
jazzmint said on August 6th, 2006 at 7:30 pm
whoa…close shave huh…hope emily now is OK 🙂
jesslyn said on August 7th, 2006 at 9:17 am
Hope she is ok by now. Haze in KL & Penang very bad nowadays.
Take care ya. -
MagicTree said on August 7th, 2006 at 10:53 am
Gee..indeed that was scary. Good to hear she is recovering. Take care!
egghead said on August 7th, 2006 at 11:02 am
get well soon… you and Emily 🙂
Tracy said on August 7th, 2006 at 12:19 pm
No wonder u were not online the past week. U indeed had a very bad week. Hope everything’s okay now. Do take good care or urself.
Hope Emily is better and you also better…. Take care yar…
Jefferene said on August 7th, 2006 at 9:56 pm
Get well soon Emily and mummy!
For sure Emily is brighter that her peers! 🙂
Vien said on August 8th, 2006 at 12:42 am
Oh my, that was quite a scare. Both of you just take plenty of rest.
michelle said on August 8th, 2006 at 9:23 am
Thank you everyone. Emily is fine. Daddy got knock out and mummy still having flu.
Wow.. tough huh to be a mum, especially when the child falls ills. Luckily you have experiance it and know what to do.
Hope Emily get better!
huisia said on August 8th, 2006 at 4:44 pm
Don’t let young children to have jerk oftenly,my MIL said it’s not good for their brain development. Put suppository once the fever over 39 degree.
Hope Emily get better!
it is scary to think of our children get so sick. Pls take care and hope you all feeling better soon.