Verse Of The Day
“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.” (Galatians 5:22-23)  listen to chapter  (Read by Max McLean. Provided by The Listener's Audio Bible.)

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  • MyBabyBay

    • Helpful Tim

      Tim is a great helper around the house. He is my right hand man in the house. He gets the trait from his father, as both do things for the household. He has helped me to

    • Run up the stairs to get things for mummy, like diaper cream for Emily, talc powder, diapers, white cloth etc…
    • Throws rubbish into the bin.
    • Bring dirty bowls onto the sink for washing.
    • Keep his toys in the toys’ box, sometimes need a little nag.
    • Mop the floor. Once Emily accidentally pee on the floor, he ran to the toilet to get the mop to dry the floor. Although we need to mop it again with Kleen Floor.
    • Find pacifier for Emily.
    • Take remote controls for mummy.
    • Put his dirty laundry into the basket.
    • Somehow he feels happy after helping me because he loves praises from me. I hope this will lasts a long time.

      Mummy: Tim, please get the “woon po” (a.k.a dish cloth) for me.
      Tim: “woon po”, what’s that?
      Mummy & Daddy: 😆
      Mummy: White cloth, near the sink.
      Tim: oooh white cloth ah. *he goes and takes it* Oh! There you are.
      Mummy: Thank you, you are a genius.
      Tim: *all smiles on his face*

      Well, whether a boy or gal, all mothers should train their child to do some kind of housework. They will turn out to be a fine boy or shall I say “every gal’s dream hubby” or “every MIL’s dream SIL”.

      He loves hearing Chinese or Cantonese, he thinks it is funny. One time, daddy played his toy story DVD in Cantonese. He was giggling over the dialogues and he learns another language from it too.

      Today my hubby has been admitted to the hospital, due to his prolong fever. His doc referred to the hospital for a thorough examination and blood test. I must have owed the hospital, my family have been visiting it very often. 🙁

      Published on August 14, 2006 · Filed under: Parenting, Timothy;

    7 Responses to “Helpful Tim”

    1. Tim is a good boy alright! 🙂

    2. I agree with you whether boy or girl, both can be trained to do housework..Well Done to Tim and Mummy Michelle who train him well

    3. Tim is indeed very good boy. Yes, must trained them, don’t spoil them until next time e.thing the wife also must do for them. 😆

      Hope your hubby get well soon.. lately you really have been in and out of the hospital huh? Due to different people falling ill in the house.. This round your hubby come back, e.body wash themselves with look-yao-yip. 😀

    4. I have to agree with you on training the kids to do some hsework. Hope your hubby’s well. He can get IV like I did. That helped me cool down my fever. If it’s just fever, it’s probably a bacterial infection.

    5. Hope your hubby get well soon ya!

    6. Ya, I think must train boys to do house work too. Tim is such a cutie and I am sure he got motivated from ur genius complements too. 🙂

      Hope ur hubby get well soon.

    7. MagicTree said on

      No1 is also like that. Very helpful ( probably follow after his dad) but No2 is just like a ‘log’. Call and call but cannot move. Hopefully, your hubby will recover soon.