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Breastfeeding Days
When I started becoming a mother, I never prepare myself for breastfeeding. My mentality was if it is successful, it will be good. If not, so be it. If I had to do it all over again, I will put 100% effort.
First Time
The very first time I tried, my boy was sleeping when I latched him. No suction from him. Later the head nurse came in and thought me how to hold the baby to the breast. He managed to suck and I can feel it. It was exciting. However it didn’t last long as he fell asleep again. Next session, the holding position was wrong and the nurse could not help me as she is not trained to do. After the third session, everything went down hill. Every time I latched him, my son started yelling on top of his voice. He didn’t want to be near me. Poor me, all the mothers in the nursery gave me the stare.
During my confinement, I asked my husband to go get me a battery operated cheapo pump. I had to express milk out every 3-4 hourly, only 3-4oz per session. There was enough milk for the day but not for night. I continued for 2 months and stopped when I started work. During that time, my work place does not provide facility for breastfeeding.
Second Attempt
My pediatric doctor advised me to breastfeed my second child as the first had allergy problem. Chances of second child follow will be high. I read up on breastfeeding and prepared for it. However I failed to latch her too. I decided to fully express for her. I got a better pump this time. I had sufficient supply for day. I carried on during confinement and for 8 months.
After a few moms at my work place started to breastfeed, HR decided to provide a better facility for us. Every 3 hours, I will go to the room to express. I really love the Avent ISIS pump. My first session in the morning, I can pump 12-15 oz, after that it will be 3-4 oz per session. My record was 25 oz per day. However Emily had a great appetite, she drinks every 3 hourly at 6oz. I had to supplement her night feeding with formula. I also gave 3 oz per day added to my son’s milk.
Emily took all my baby fat away. She was a real chubby baby. I lost all my weight right after confinement. Everyone was so surprised that I could wear jeans to work after my confinement. Imagine I shred all 20kg that I put on during my pregnancy.
I had to drink 2-3L of water everyday, drank lots of soup, eat fish daily and no seafood or allergy prone food. Tip for breastfeeding, get a good pump, go for Avent ISIS. Many mothers that I introduce this to, came back with a thump up! :good:
I really missed those breastfeeding days.
12 Responses to “Breastfeeding Days”
Totally agree 110% that breastfeeding is good and worth it for all the effort…!!!!
jesslyn said on August 16th, 2006 at 2:35 pm
haha..not the first time here u mentioned that u miss BF session ler…come on, dont stop at TWO!! :naughty:
Jan said on August 16th, 2006 at 3:08 pm
Hello…I also never really got to bf both my kids directly…..gave up after a few attempts but persisted to pump out expressed milk for them. They were on breastmilk for 1 year before I stopped pumping. cheers
Normally ignorant really affect the success of breastfeeding.
Btw, me no Avent Supporter. Me Madela supporter! I’ll go for Madela anytime.. but don’t go for the single battery operated pump, the manual Harmony pump (which is like Avent’s, but very much more comfortable b’cos the shield is soft and not hard like Avent’s) or the double pump are really good!
You really close shop liao? Can have Experiance no. 3 woh.. and try out Madela and see what you say.
michelle said on August 16th, 2006 at 3:45 pm
Chanel: You have a chance to give 110%. I will be there supporting you. :clap:
Jess: Hahaha…I let you go first…:lol:
Jan: Welcome to my Blog. You are reallu good & salute you. :good:
Zara’s mama: Yeap I heard the Medela Harmony pump is also good but I never try that before. Nope 2 is enough else I go crazy. :whistle: I will let you catch up first. :giggles:
huisia said on August 16th, 2006 at 4:06 pm
Emm..i miss my breastfeeding time too and wanna to slap myself why i stopped breastfeeding purposely even i was a super cow.
I saw avent has electrical pump too, actually manual is better or electrical?
Lin said on August 16th, 2006 at 5:30 pm
Hmmm…. and I was thinking to myself that I was just going to breast feed for one month this round. Now, you have inspired me to change my mind…. Breastfeeding is really tough work and I was truly exhausted the last time….
I used a Madela pump which was quite alright. Perhaps I should try out Avent this round. An electrical pump for me anytime. I saw my sis using a manual one. It was very taxing on her arms. But my gynae advised that nothing beats the actual breast-feeding, which stimulates the flow of milk. Apparently if we rely too much on pumps, we will dry up faster due to lack of stimulation.
Vien said on August 17th, 2006 at 1:39 pm
I have both Medela double pumps and manual pump and they work wonderfully for me. 🙂 I’ve started to stop pumping during the day and trying to wean Belle off. It’s a tough road ahead of me ‘cos this girl still loves to be nursed.
Me also close shop! Thought of ‘sewing up’ tim.. but that would be too drastic hor?
hehe miss bf ah…get 3rd one lerr :P…i enjoy the let down effect and watch the mikl spraying out non stop hahaha
michelle said on August 18th, 2006 at 6:03 pm
Huisia: I find that I have more control over manual pump than electrical one.
Lin: Great to hear that you want to keep bf, you save a lot you know. Yeah I understand the stress but it is all for a good cause. Keep going yeah! If you can try the Avent ISIS.
Vien: Belle wants you to keep going! :giggles:
Zara’s mama: Sewing Up? My gynae will not do it until I reached a certain age.
Jazzmint: You are doing very well this round, keep it up. Yeah I love the let down feeling also. :clap:
Kris said on August 22nd, 2006 at 11:15 am
I thought expressing BF out will eventually stop. I thought we must latch bb on to our breast for the milk to continue coming. I learned a lot from you michelle. Drink lots of water and soup and eat lots of fish. I didn’t take a lot of fish and soup with my 1st child. But if I am planning to get a 2nd one, would definitely ask my mom to care for me this time. She’ll be making lots of soup for me.