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Finally I have finished my exams and it is raining outside. The papers were difficult, as the answers were so close to each other. It was an objective paper. I am keeping my finger crossed and hope to receive good news 4 weeks down the road.
Since I am stuck in the hotel, by the way, I am in Singapore, right now. I called my children.
Emily: Hello Mummy.
Mummy: Hello.
Emily: Buy me teddy bear.
Mummy: Already bought.
Emily: I few, I few.
Mummy: Ask kor kor to come.
Emily: Kor Kor, where are you? Go, mummy called!
Tim: Buy me teddy bear.
Mummy: ok*Tim ran away*. So much, for talking to them. I think they will grow up like me, do not like to talk on the phone.
I saw a few incidents with children in Singapore.
Incident #1:
Boy: Mummy, you must buy me this, or this or this.
Mom: *ignore his son*
Boy: Buy me this.
Mom: *ignore him*
Boy: *grumbling* *whining* *very frustrated*
I didn’t hear his exact words but he was very frustrated and scolding the mother. The mother was calm and spoke softly but not answering the boy’s demand. She said “Lets’ go.†The boy was still complaining.Incident #2
Boy (about 3 year old) crying at the MRT station, I was not sure what. I was observing the boy and the mother’s reaction. There were also 2 other relatives. Mother was ignoring the boy’s cry. He kept crying and holding the mother’s leg. Mother folding her arms and ignoring him. Everyone was staring at the boy by now and he was so cute to be ignored. I felt like going there and saying sweet things to make him happy. It went on for almost 4-5 mins. Then I realized I was on the wrong platform, I didn’t observe further but I had to leave.
7 Responses to “Finally!”
Vien said on August 31st, 2006 at 5:23 am
Both moms sure acted coolly about it. I’ll be so embarrassed if my kid pulls an uncontrollable whine/cry fest on me.
You also a funny one. Observe, observe till didn’t know you were in the wrong platform! LOL!
Luckily you have Emily to say “I few” to you. Must have made your day. 🙂 I guess no more exam dreams from now on..hehe.
Jan said on August 31st, 2006 at 11:55 am
I simply adore Emily’s I few I few….kekekeke
errr.think me also like that…kekeke….esp when the kids is clingy and is crying…..and after trying a couple of times to make him stop and he doesn’t, we choose to pretend we didn’t hear him cry….woahahaha…how bad hor!!! but also caon’t make them stop leh!!!
so u buy 2 different color bear or same color?
When you are away from you kids, you tend to observe other kids and the way their mothers handle them huh? I’m like that too. 😛
Emily I few is cute!
michelle said on September 1st, 2006 at 1:55 pm
Vien: Yeah, fortunately didn’t jump into the wrong train. Emily does make my day. :giggles:
Jan: Maybe you can try diverting their attention. Usually for me 1-2 mins of crying is ok. Not above 5 mins.
Jess: Same color, same pattern – twin bears. If not, I may have a headache. I also bought 2 boxes of jigsaw for them, 1 mickey mouse and the other pooh. Emily kept changing, couldn’t decide what she really wants.
Zara’s mama: I am very kepoh. :giggles:
Exam ok? Wah in Singapore, so you took off?
Hehe..I few…Keith still doesn’t want to say the “I love you”. I don’t know y he kept ignoring it. I love to observe mummies with children too. Hehe…Wah..S’porean style of keeping their children calm is by ignoring them. Wah lau… I can’t do that. My heart melt whenever Keith starts crying.
How’s the exam anyway?