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Today, guess what I forgot? I am getting more “big prawn head†a.k.a. forgetful after becoming a mother. I guess most of my brain storage is filled with stuff relating to children. Example:
Are they doing well in health?
What do we do tonight, tomorrow, weekend, holidays..etc?
When to pay school fees?
What breakfast to buy for them?
Have I iron their school uniform?
Do they have enough clothing?
Bla bla bla…Anyway, here are funny incidents that me, look like a big prawn head:
1. After showering, I realized I forgot to take my clothes and towel into the bathroom.
2. I realized I forgot that I wore my contact lens and put my spectacles on, realized that everything is blur.
3. I wore slipper to work, I had to ask my hubby to turn the car around to get my working shoes. Fortunately it was nearby.
4. After going downstairs, I realized I forgot to take things upstairs, sometimes I can run up more than 3 times to get the complete the list of things I want upstairs.
5. I went to the shop and I forget what I want to buy.
6. I added salt, instead of sugar into my cup of tea.
7. I sealed the bill payment envelop and forgot to insert the cheque.
8. I forgot to sign the cheque and send it to IRB for tax payment.
9. I forgot to turn off the iron, made a black mark on the board. Fortunately it didn’t start a fire because the iron board surface is heat resistance.
10. I forgot to attend a telecon meeting at night, happily went to sleep.Back to the first question, what did I forget? I forgot to bring my blog to work, today. I had it written on my desktop, was supposed to transfer it to my thumb drive and I forgot. Lately I have been doing a lot of Sudoku to keep my brain working. Maybe addicted to it too. :giggles:
Published on September 4, 2006 · Filed under: Parenting;
7 Responses to “Forgetful”
Wah.. you are turning to Twinsmum ah?? :clap:
Btw, you always write your blog first.. then go to office to post?
Tea + salt = what taste ah? 😆
getting more and more “mature” liao… LOL!
michelle said on September 5th, 2006 at 9:53 am
Zara’s mama: I am sure there is always a twinsmum in us. For the blog post, usually I do if it is a weekend. I don’t want to get caught blogging in the office. 😛
Jess: Definitely not sweet. 😆
Egghead: Thanks for looking at it that way.
I wonder how’s the taste of tea with salt? 😆
Wow,sodoku? Nice meh? I dont like as kill my brain cells. 😆 -
maria @ twinsmom said on September 5th, 2006 at 6:13 pm
yah, you pull a twinsmom LOL… OK, I am not alone shall I say.
hehe too much sudoku that’s why lah 😛