Verse Of The Day
“For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all people. This has now been witnessed to at the proper time.” (1 Timothy 2:5-6)  listen to chapter  (Read by Max McLean. Provided by The Listener's Audio Bible.)

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  • MyBabyBay

    • Buzz & Little Mermaid

      I got these towels for my children when I was in Singapore. Both my children loved it. Every bath time, they want to be mermaid or buzz. Sometimes they exchange. At least now, they don’t run around naked after bath time.

      Published on October 11, 2006 · Filed under: Parenting;

    13 Responses to “Buzz & Little Mermaid”

    1. you gave me an idea liao! 😀 Thanks!….sew one for the gals, i hv many carton towel!

    2. eik I want to get 1 oso neh, Adrian also like to run naked after bath neh

    3. wah very cute lehh..never see that here before

    4. Simply adorable! I hardly shop at the Disney stores here..will probably do that when Belle gets older.

    5. The towels are LARGE and LONG and look so cute on Tim and Emily. Maybe should try to wrap like dat on Des cos I dunno why Des loves to run ‘bogel’ after her bath too. Was trying to search for one with the Princesses for her but failed.

    6. Jess: Just look you have so many customers here waiting to purchase from you.

      Rachel: Don’t really know why they like to run naked, after that they have runny nose.

      Jazz: I have seen it in Ausino before but not disney character.

      Vien: You will visit children stores more than ladies department when your child grow up. Trust me, first stop, children department.

      Tracy: The hood hole is not that big, so I am not sure whether it will fit Des. Buy from Jess. 😛

    7. tats cool!!! 😎

    8.’s nice…I am sure bb will love it if it has Mr Incredibles printed. Where about in Singapore did u buy it from?

    9. Magictree said on

      I think all kids would love that! So cute.

    10. kekeke… least they will not catch a cold running stake naked…..

    11. The kids look so cute in those towels… hmm…. I should get one for each of my kids as well.

    12. Cute.. but 100% cotton.

    13. Sasha, MagicTree: Thanks.

      Allyfeel: If my memory serves right, it is at the Little John Children department store on Orchard Road.

      Jan: Yeah, not that they cared.

      Babysmooches: I am sure your children will love it.

      Zara’s mama: It is towel material, not sure whether 100%, it just said on the tag “cotton”.