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Fit Again
I had to rush back from our vacation in KL one day early. Yesterday, Emily had a seizure fit in Sushi King at Berjaya Times Square. She wasn’t having any fever when we left the house. We spent 1 hour at the Children Theme Park, later we head to Sushi King for lunch. At that moment, she had mild fever. Half way through the lunch, she felt uneasy and wanted to sleep. I let her lie down on the bench.
At the same time, I asked hubby to look for a pharmacy to get cool fever. I should have asked him to get fever medicine. Anyway, we put the cool fever on her forehead but that wasn’t good enough. After 5 minutes, I saw her go unconscious and had a less than 1 minute fit. I had to put her by her side and make sure nothing is blocking her airway. I wasn’t afraid when she had the fit but it was afterwards when I didn’t know she was out of the fit or she was sleepy. She did response to me which was a good sign after the fit but she was very tired. (According to the doctor, it is normal that she will be tired and would let her sleep).
We paid the bill and rushed her to a nearby clinic. However, first time in the mall, didn’t know where it was or was it open. Anyway, my hubby (good thinking) approached the security officer. He made way and brought us to the emergency room at the theme park. The assistant (not sure his qualification, probably he had some certified training in emergency management) examined her heartbeat and gave her some oxygen. That’s when my gal cried and I felt relief. At least I know she was conscious. However she still had a high fever, worried she might have a second attack of fit. The assistant officer called an ambulance. I am really impressed that he acted fast. However, the ambulance took 30 minutes to arrive, sent her to Pantai Cheras for further care. Hubby and Emily went on the ambulance, while I drove Tim there.
At Pantai, I am really upset with the MO, he took 30 minutes to try to put the IV into Emily’s hand. My hubby said that he already had it in but then removed it again. Of coz, Emily was screaming. He gave Emily the suppository to bring the fever down. When I reached there, the IV wasn’t in. He tried the other hand, still failed. According to my hubby, he wanted to admit Emily that is a must. However, I saw Emily recovered and alert, because of the fear of having her hand poked again, she wanted to get out of the hospital. I discussed with my hubby that we will monitor her and we drove back to Penang. At Penang, it is easier for us if she is admitted.
Thank God, throughout the day, I was praying to him :pray: and he really did help us. At home, I gave Emily Paracetamol as she still have a slight fever. She slept and her fever was gone. She woke up hungry. I fed her and she slept some more. This morning she was fine, active and back to normal. I took her to her paed and have her checked. She is fine now, fever is off but I still have to monitor her closely.
12 Responses to “Fit Again”
Tracy said on October 24th, 2006 at 8:49 pm
Aiyo, really scary leh but u seemed calm, bless u. Was it something she ate or was it the haze dat caused the fever? The haze is very bad in KL. Emily’s okay now, rite? I’m sure u all will feel more ‘at home’ in Penang if anything (touch wood, touch wood) goes wrong.
Vien said on October 25th, 2006 at 7:27 am
Thank goodness she’s okay. Why did the MO insert the needle? Isn’t that a nurse job? Sad to say, MOs are not very good at inserting needles ‘cos they have very little practical experience. I would’ve request for a more qualified person to do that. So what if he’s a doc. If he’s doing a bad job, it’s the patient’s right to have it his/her way as it is his/her money paying for the service.
Jan said on October 25th, 2006 at 10:31 am
Thank god Emily is okay now…..can imagine the IV must have hurt like hell (why the MO like that, think it’s a scotch tape ah, take in and out, got complain him anot?)
Anyway, keep monitoring Emily………we will be praying for her!….you take care ya
michelle said on October 25th, 2006 at 10:32 am
Tracy: She had runny nose and doc check, a bit of chesty phelgm. Maybe it is jinx, my children get sick everytime we have a long vacation. ðŸ™
Vien: Yeah want guinea pig also look for adult. Poor gal. No more MO for my children, only child specialist! I can see him shaking while doing it. :doh:
Magictree said on October 25th, 2006 at 12:16 pm
Wow! another heart thumping experience! Glad that everything is back in control. So the MO was actually just as scared to administer to needle! Can’t imaging the patient then! Take Care.
thumbs up on berjaya times square, but thumbs down for the MO. I hope emily is better by now
jesslyn said on October 26th, 2006 at 9:28 am
i didn’t enjoy my holiday too! Lyon real sick and make her super sticky to me, and spread to Wien now .. ðŸ™
Winnie Khoo said on October 26th, 2006 at 10:08 am
oh thanks god!……
hope Emily get well soon. -
Oh, what a scare! I was really worried my boy would have a seizure fit too since his fever kept on going up above 39 and 40.
Shannon said on October 27th, 2006 at 3:15 pm
Very scary wor… I don’t know how I would have reacted if it happened to me… I hope little Emily gets well soon… 🙂 -
huisia said on October 29th, 2006 at 12:01 am
Glad to hear that she is ok now.
Actually, what caused the fit? -
michelle said on October 29th, 2006 at 2:26 pm
Huisia: Sudden surge of temp or fever too high for the under developed brain. Usually by 5, she will outgrew it.