Verse Of The Day
“For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, mutual affection; and to mutual affection, love. For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.” (2 Peter 1:5-8)  listen to chapter  (Read by Max McLean. Provided by The Listener's Audio Bible.)

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  • MyBabyBay

    • Lack of Iron

      Last blood test show my red blood cells low, so I had to do further testing. Oh well, since it is free, I go ahead with it. The result came back, saying my iron is very low.

      Doc: Your result shows you have to take more iron. I will prescribe some iron tablet.
      Me: Does the tablet cause constipation?
      Doc: I will give you iron syrup instead.
      Me: Ok
      Doc: Take it for 5 weeks and come back for further blood test.

      Darn, I had to open my big mouth. I really regret asking for the syrup, it taste yeaky and it leave an after taste, like licking steel. I went to my in house clinic and ask for iron tablet instead. Now I have 2 giant bottle of iron syrup in my fridge.

      Another doc said that I can get iron from seafood and it is my favorite. First time ever, maybe I am the unique one, have permission from doctor to take seafood. Usually doc will always advice patients to cut down on this and that. :giggles:

      OK, I booked a Japanese Buffet this weekend for my family. That is enough iron in the buffet to last for a week. I hope. :clap:

      Published on November 3, 2006 · Filed under: Parenting;

    6 Responses to “Lack of Iron”

    1. Tablet is always better than liquid… update us after your next check-up…

    2. Take the pills on alternate days..SYRUP..i hate SYRUP!

    3. Low on Iron ah….better take supplements regularly lor…or else, you start to feel dizzy than zao gao liao….take care ya……

      seafood, my favourite too!!!

    4. Take more “si ham”, that’s what my 2nd sis did last time (her doc adv her to do so!)

    5. Chanel: Sure.

      Sasha: I forgot to take my pills back…:doh:. Now during the weekends, I have to stick to syrup. Now I pop a sweet after I take it.

      Jan: Yes, I do feel dizzy some days.

      Jess: I love “si ham” but my hubby kept telling me it is dirty. The other day, the doc encourages me to eat, yeah got permission liao. :dance:

    6. Seafood? Watch out for high cholesterol..hehe.