Verse Of The Day
“For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, mutual affection; and to mutual affection, love. For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.” (2 Peter 1:5-8)  listen to chapter  (Read by Max McLean. Provided by The Listener's Audio Bible.)

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  • MyBabyBay

    • Penang – 3 BIG Events

      Today avoid going to the south side of Penang. Predicted to have a massive jam. Maybe it is the 1st of December, there are 3 big events.

      1. Opening of the Penang Queensbay Mall.
      2. PESTA Penang Opening for the year-end fun.
      3. PC Fair

      What is in the Penang Queensbay Mall? A few new outlets has landed in Penang, Jaya Jusco, TGIF, Borders, New Zealand Natural Ice Cream, Sa Sa and lots more. Click here and here.

      Lastly not forgetting people rushing to go home from the factories, as it is a FRIDAY.

      Happy jamming. I will be staying at home.

      Published on December 1, 2006 · Filed under: Information, Penang, Travel;

    9 Responses to “Penang – 3 BIG Events”

    1. 😆 Lucky you then!

    2. New mall? Meaning another place to shop and purse to get lighter lor? 😀

    3. Wah! Now Penang has all the premium ice-cream players. About time.

    4. Wah.. another mall.. this one got sell DVDs one or not? (so I know next time if I should go)

    5. Princessyoyo & family said on

      Smart!! stay home is good idea, i can imagine the traffic in PG during this peak season. one good thing reading your blog is that i learn the latest update about PG since i am too far away 🙂 Maybe we should go visit the new mall when back for CNY. 😀

    6. Wifey and I was a bit kiasu and decided to join the crowd anyway. Quite a few shops have opened but the place is really dusty. Suggest that you let the dust settle for a while before bringing Timmy and Emily.

    7. wah so jam liddat how to come to Penang ah…planning a trip but maybe after Christmas!

    8. Vien: I am counting my blessings. 😛

      Tracy: You are right, so many new stuff just landed here. I need to resist the temptation.

      daddykhong: Can’t wait to taste the ice-cream.

      zara’s mama: Nope, this mall is like MidValley, it may not have the DVDs you looking for. But then again I could be wrong since not all shops are open. I heard the rental is very high.

      Princessyoyo: It got worst because it has a police roadblock and it rained. Email me, maybe we could meet up.

      duckie: Too late, we couldn’t resist. We went on Sat lunch and Sun dinner.

      laundryamah: I am sure the traffic will be back to normal, once everyone pays a visit there. Now it is still new and everyone is curious.

    9. Lucky you. I left office at 5pm last Fri and there was already jam. 😥