Verse Of The Day
“then know this, you and all the people of Israel: It is by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified but whom God raised from the dead, that this man stands before you healed.” (Acts 4:10,12)  listen to chapter  (Read by Max McLean. Provided by The Listener's Audio Bible.)

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  • MyBabyBay

    • Where?

      Daddy was setting up the swimming pool for the children to have some water splashing time. Whenever they hear swimming pool, they get all excited and grin from ear to ear. Our swimming pool is very easy to setup, no need air, just add water and it will stand on its own.

      Anyway, Tim rushed to the toy box and pick up a fishing rod. We usually put all the pool toys in a bucket at the back porch. As usual, upon seeing the brother taking a toy, Emily would want the same. She wanted the fishing rod. I looked at daddy, ask him to look for it. He went to the back porch bucket and ran back upstairs to go through the toy box.

      As he was finding, Emily said “Where is my fishing rod?” a few times. Timothy being a resourceful boy (from mummy’s gene) went to the back porch and retrieved the fishing rod for her. He yelled “Daddy I found the fishing rod already”. It is always difficult to ask my hubby to find things because he will never find it, even if it is right in front of him. Anyone knows why?

      Published on December 13, 2006 · Filed under: Parenting, Timothy;

    6 Responses to “Where?”

    1. Why? But my man also oo, not sure the reason is same or not? I always think my man never brought along his heart when asked him to find something. Always says can’t find but just right in front of him.

    2. I think most men are like that. Mine will just stand there and ask where is the stuff and that’s w/o looking for it first. Lazy or not??

    3. Men bad chromosomes!

      Mine too.. can never get a pair of pajamas for Zara, or get her her toys etc.

    4. haha always like that one lahh…i always tease my hubby, your eyes so much bigger than me, but see things poorer than me LOL

    5. Princessyoyo & family said on

      Kids love playing water, don’t they?! My girl too. But we can only let her play in summer time. It’s damn cold now, and she keeps asking for SWIMMING since last week, her new word. Can’t wait to go back:smile:

    6. My father also had difficulty finding things although the things are always in front of him. My mum always grumble about it.