Verse Of The Day
“For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, mutual affection; and to mutual affection, love. For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.” (2 Peter 1:5-8)  listen to chapter  (Read by Max McLean. Provided by The Listener's Audio Bible.)

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  • MyBabyBay

    • Boy Or Gal?

      How do you teach your child the difference between boy or gal? I was having that trouble and put it off until they understand. However yesterday I found that Tim can really differentiate who is boy and who is gal. Really, I don’t know how he learnt it. Emily is still struggling with it.

      Mummy: Daddy
      Tim: Boy
      Tim: Gal
      Tim: Boy
      Mummy: Emily
      Tim: Gal
      Mummy: Mickey Mouse
      Tim: Boy
      Mummy:Minnie Mouse
      Tim: Gal
      Tim: Boy
      Mummy: Peter Pan
      Tim: Boy
      Tim: Gal
      Mummy:Genie (in Aladdin)
      Tim: Boy
      Mummy: Gu Ma
      Tim: Gal
      Mummy: Gu Cheong
      Tim: Boy
      Mummy: Por Por
      Tim: Gal

      As for Emily: I am a gal, kor kor is a boy, papa is a man and mummy is a woman.

      Emily: Mickey mouse is a gal.
      Mummy:Mickey is a boy.
      Emily: No Mickey is a boy.
      Mummy:Minnie mouse is a gal but Mickey is a boy.
      Emily: Mickey is a boy. *want to cry*
      Mummy: Tomorrow you ask papa whether Mickey is a boy or gal. *if I go on, she will sure cry*
      Emily: OK. Emily is a gal.
      Mummy: Yes.

      Published on April 5, 2007 · Filed under: Emily, Parenting, Timothy;

    7 Responses to “Boy Or Gal?”

    1. I didn’t teach jo, but so far he’s ok..i think they will ready by the time comes..

    2. Hmm… perhaps they’ll learn eventually? Coz when they start scholing sure pandai oredi wan..

    3. haha poor mickey LOL…i think they’ll earn later, no worries.

      mine so far pretty distinctive. Even on tv she sees old man she says kong kong

    4. Wah, Emily’s vocab is more least she know papa is a man and mama is a woman.

    5. Vien: Not really lah, we teach her and she can pick it up fast. But not sure whether she understands it. :think:

    6. Interesting conversations. 😉

      My son – mommy, quick (while changing pants) later the girls see, shame. They will learn eventually.

    7. Zara can tell me the difference as well.. a girl or a boy.. Even when we see long haired man on the street.. I asked her if he’s a girl, she’ll tell me, “no lar.. boy”.

      I don’t know how she knows that though.. 😐