Verse Of The Day
“For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, mutual affection; and to mutual affection, love. For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.” (2 Peter 1:5-8)  listen to chapter  (Read by Max McLean. Provided by The Listener's Audio Bible.)

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  • MyBabyBay

    • Will

      I always want to write a Will and was thinking on it for a long time. Hey it is a piece of paper that will protect my children or at least fund their living for the rest of their lives if God were to take me home. I don’t want to work so hard and all my fortune gets stuck with the government. A Will would certainly get the legal issues out of the way. Recently my brother did a Will and he told me it is very easy to do. He told me that his lawyer friend had a template, fill in the blanks (your properties’ or asset details, your fund details, etc), how you want to distribute it, name 2 executors and get 2 witnesses to sign on it. It sounds so simple.

      The hard part for me was my children are very young 4 and 2, I need a trusted guardian to be able to manage the funds and take care of them when I am gone. The question here is who can I trust to handle my children well. One of these days, I must approach some lawyer friends of mine and work it out.

      Published on April 5, 2007 · Filed under: Information, Parenting, Service;

    7 Responses to “Will”

    1. Yeah, me also thinking about wills too..

    2. wah u still thinking this big question?

    3. Guardian == your husband? No?

      I think first priority will be hubby.. but should anything happen to him I don’t know who else can be the guardian.. 😐

      I’m also thinking of doing this.. but as usual always procrastinate.

    4. just wanted to share about being guardian. we were both approached and asked to be guardian to be stated in the will for 3-children (G-16, B-12, B-8). The parents explained that they suggested grandparents, aunties, uncles and other relatives to their children but the eldest girl and 2nd son wanted both my husband and i to be their guardian. we were childless then but now adopted a lovely boy who is now 15 months. by the way, wishing you & family a blessed Good Friday & Easter!

    5. Please check it out and let me know the procedure and how much? 🙂

    6. I did mine through Rockwills. Although it cost significantly less to do it via lawyer, i want to make sure that the execution (if needed) is trouble free for my beneficiary. Rockwills are expert will writer, so this is assured with them. They won;t let you put any clause in there that maybe a disputing factor in court. I know, coz i did have a few conditions that they rejected. There are also other risks about doing it via regular lawyers or by yourself.

      Talk to a Rockwills (or any will writing company) consultant, and then decide if you want to do it yourself or through them.

    7. Guardian is an issue nowadays when come to will wrtiting.

      Also, if u have minor children u have to appoint trustee and give direction to your trustee on how to handle ur properties.

      Please do not use a template as every family have different need. Young family more to take care of children and elder parent. And every family have differenet concern on maintainance, education, asset and liabilities, family members age, location, health etc.

      Consult an Estate Planner will be beneficial as Estate Planner has more consideration when come to Will Writing.