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Tag: Facts About Me
Vien tag me and it is such a long tag. Jess always says I cheat with these tags, like always modifying it. I decided to do it in full for Vien & Jess. It is a long one, so please bear with me.
On the Outside
Name: Michelle
Date of birth: 4th June (Coming soon!!)
Current status: Married With 2 Children
Eye colour: Dark Brown
Hair colour: Black
Righty or lefty: RightyOn the Inside
Heritage: Chinese
Fear: Heights
Weakness: Some days I get angry easily.
Your perfect pizza : Any pizza with lots of toppings.Yesterday, today & tomorrow
Your thoughts first waking up: I want to sleep some more.
Your bedtime: Midnight
Your most missed memory: What? I forgotten…. :think:Your pick
Pepsi or Coke: Neither
McDees or Burger King : Burger King Whopper Burger
Single or Group Dates : ?? *scratch head*
Adidas or Nike : Nike
Lipton Tea or Nestea : Boh Tea
Chocolate or Vanilla : Both
Cappucino or Coffee : I can’t drink coffee. It makes me nausea.Do you…
Smoke: NO
Curse: NOIn the past month
Drank alcohol : NO
Gone to the mall : Yes, almost once every week.
Been on stage : For what?
Eaten sushi : Yes, on Tuesday at Tao (Yummy)
Dyed your hair : NOHave you ever…
Played a stripping game: NO
Changed who you were to fit in: Had to change to become a mummy. Hahahaha.Marrriage
Age you’re hoping to be married : Done.In a guy/girl
Best eye colour: Blue
Hair colour: Black
Short or long hair: As long as he/she is presentable.What were you doing?
1 minute ago: Late Work Meeting.
1 hour ago: Preparing for the Meeting.
4 1/2 hours ago: Having dinner at in-law’s place. My FIL birthday! Happy Birthday Pa!
1 month ago: Read my blog to find out.
1 year ago: Read my blog to find out.Finish the sentence
I love: sleeping
I feel: sick, having a flu now.
I hate: being hungry
I hide: fat thighs
I miss: my family in KL and lost friends.
I need: to put on weight. Don’t scold me yeah!I am going to change this tag a bit and will be tagging: (Ignore those not relevant questions)
Ethan – GiddyTigers’ son
Lyon – Jess‘ gal
Zara – Zara’s mama gal
Belle – Vien‘s gal (Tag you back)
Darrius – Angeleyes’ son
Joshua – Huisia’s son
12 Responses to “Tag: Facts About Me”
huisia said on April 13th, 2007 at 2:36 am
why u don’t pass the tag to me…i need something to write..haha:)
michelle said on April 13th, 2007 at 2:41 am
Huisia, you are officially tag. First time ppl asking to be tag. 😆
huisia said on April 13th, 2007 at 2:42 am
haha…thanks !! give you a big KISS here..
Vien said on April 13th, 2007 at 5:59 am
What?! Like that also can? Wei, Belle can’t even carry a normal conversation with me, do you think she can do this tag? 😆
jesslyn said on April 13th, 2007 at 8:40 am
LOL……another creative tag from u!
I still hutang Vien on this tag!
You really stay up late hor. -
Susan said on April 13th, 2007 at 12:19 pm
Gimme 5!
Glad to find someone that would like to put on weight too.Any remedy to share? Healthy one, don’t ask me to gobble down oil la.
Hubby is considering Appeton for me, most un-romantic gift ever. heh! -
Angeleyes said on April 13th, 2007 at 11:39 pm
Darrius will definitely not able to answer lots of the Qs as he can’t even speak in complete sentence!
Angeleyes said on April 13th, 2007 at 11:48 pm
Forgotten to add… your birthday is on the same day as my parents’ wedding anniversary… 🙂 This year it’s their 35th year!
michelle said on April 15th, 2007 at 2:35 pm
Vien: Read your tag on Belle, you done well.
Susan: No remedy, maybe can ask your hubby to take cooking lessons and cook good food for u.
Giddy Tigers: I am sure you have no problem when it comes to Ethan.
Angeleyes: No one know your son better than u. Happy Anniversary to your parents. 😉
jazzmint said on April 15th, 2007 at 4:31 pm
wahh funny tag LOL
I hutang first.. Yeah.. I reliased you are a late sleeper ler.. I can’t.. must sleep 8hrs daily or I’ll feel very bad.