Verse Of The Day
“For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, mutual affection; and to mutual affection, love. For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.” (2 Peter 1:5-8)  listen to chapter  (Read by Max McLean. Provided by The Listener's Audio Bible.)

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  • MyBabyBay

    • A Week Of Relaxation

      I just got back from Singapore, touch down today at 6pm. I missed the Penang Asam Laksa. Sorry, this round, there are no professional pictures taken as my hubby didn’t carry his bazooka there. Just some A80 quality pictures.

      Let’s talk about SIA, I must say they really give good service to mother with children. *Applaud to the stewardess serving SQ196* As I was traveling back from Singapore, I was alone with Tim and Emily. Hubby took the later flight. I get to board first with the first class or business class people because I am with 2 VIPs, my children. They put me with good seats too, not too far from the door. After I boarded the plane, smiling air stewardess came with gifts for the children, I didn’t need to ask. I requested my hubby to pre-order the children’s meal. They get their meals first. By the way, if you want to be kiasu and get your meal first, pre-order your meal when you purchase the tickets. Halfway through the flights, a stewardess came by asking me if I need a bio break, she can look after my children. Wow, what a service. I told her I am fine, as if Emily will let me out of her side.

      It was a week of relaxation, we didn’t go to many places but enjoy the stay in our hotel room. Emily called it “New House”. She loves it so much, every time we go out, less than 1 hour, she requested us to go back to the “New House”. *faint*

      My hubby booked the Singapore Grand Hyatt Hotel from my recommendation. It is right in the heart of Orchard Road. Of coz, the thing that kept my children happy in the room was the big plasma TV. There are 2 cartoon cable channels that supply 24×7 cartoons. Next best thing on their list is the bath tub. They will request endless round of bathing time because they love playing with water.

      The housekeeper comes to make the room twice a day, providing fresh towels, toping up the toiletries and making our bed. Call me crazy, look at my collection…muhahahaha. 2 x 4 bottles each day.

      However, the hotel doesn’t have a children pool. They have a swimming pool, but a little too dangerous for my children, so they just played by the pool. Next, I will share with you the places we went…stay tuned.

      Published on May 4, 2007 · Filed under: Parenting, Travel;

    10 Responses to “A Week Of Relaxation”

    1. More pics! More pics! The room looks so comfy..i think i can sleep and sleep and sleep on that bed..hehe.

    2. hehe looks like u all had fun

    3. looks so shiok ya…can stay inside, no need to go out shopping under hot sun liao…

    4. ya..the hotel looks great..but i saw your msn said their broadband is very lousy, isn’t it?

    5. Wat, you really take back all the toiletries? 😆
      Last time I did that too but now no lor, hubby “lectured” me lar. 🙁

    6. Very nice hotel and ur kids having fun… waiting for more picture !!

    7. wow wow wow…one week holiday…how envy and how jealous i am…
      Glad that u have a fun time…
      post more picture pppplllllsss….

    8. me also wanna go yr new house lah! hahah nice

    9. michelle said on

      Huisia:Yeap on that day that I put the status up, the connection cut off a few times. And I cannot logon to my work network…:(

    10. I also like Hyatt.. but nowadays.. our company doesn’t allow us to stay there any more b’cos it’s way to expensive.

      Take so many bottles of toiletries? My hubby sure lecture me kao kao if I did that.