Verse Of The Day
“For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, mutual affection; and to mutual affection, love. For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.” (2 Peter 1:5-8)  listen to chapter  (Read by Max McLean. Provided by The Listener's Audio Bible.)

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  • MyBabyBay

    • Strike Three

      I am in London now. I am very fortunate and I tell you why. Few weeks before I left for Scotland, I had planned to go to Paris and London. However I don’t know anyone in Paris or London. Oh well, I thought I plan for an ad hoc trip as I didn’t know my project schedule in Scotland. By the way, nothing is cheap here, hotel can cost up to more than 100 pounds. Believe me I did a lot of Google searches.

      A few days before I left, my best friend, didn’t see her for like 13 years when I left Australia after my studies. I knew her when we were in secondary school and later she migrated to Sydney where I was in University. Anyway, she sent email to me and her friends updating us of her latest news. I notice his brother was in London. My prayers were answered. Thanks to him and his wife, they offered me a place to stay. Paris didn’t happen. I need to book in advance if I want cheap deals.

      3 strikes to my camera trouble. 😥

      Strike 1

      While I was in Scotland, I visited Glasgow, very beautiful city on one of the Sunday. I will upload the pictures later when I return. While I was snapping away with my digital camera, my 1G card shouted “Memory Full”. What? There was only less than 100 pictures in there, it can’t be. I missed out on some good shots due to memory full. I had to reformat the card after I download my pictures, it returns back to normal.

      Strike 2

      I did some city tour in Edinburgh also on Sunday and my camera ran out of battery. Sigh.

      Strike 3.

      Last Monday, while I flew from Edinburgh to London, I saw a nice view up the air and guess what happen to my camera? Sigh, it was no where to be found. I remembered I packed it but it is not there. I am not even sure where I misplaced it. Isn’t it frustrated? London has so many beautiful sceneries that I need to capture. Anyway you cannot believe what I did. Nope, I didn’t get a new digital camera in pounds. No way. I tell ya later if the pictures turn out nice.

      Last, I need your help if you have a blog. Please put this banner up to find Madeleine who was abducted. Help the parents to find her. It is just so sad as she is only 4 year old. Lets spread the word around the world and pray that she will be found.


      Code here:

      <a href=""><img src="" alt="Banner1" width="450" height="124" border="0" /></a>

      More code here:

      Published on May 30, 2007 · Filed under: Myself, Parenting;

    10 Responses to “Strike Three”

    1. What happened to your camera? The suspense is killing me!

    2. alamak..u left ur camera in ur office ah :p

    3. Jazz &#38; GiddyTiger: My camera is gone, cannot find it. I even call the airport. 🙁 Not in the office either and not in the apartment.

    4. Soo sad for you…any idea where you left it?

    5. Lucky and unlucky you..

      Btw, you check out YHA in these places? They are very much cheaper but you’ll need to share a room with people. I stayed in YHAs when I’m travelling alone in Europe as well as in Australia. They are clean and safe, you may want to check out if you are still interested in Paris.

      Maybe you should get a new camera just to get some nice shots (or disposable or using your mobile maybe?).

      When are you coming back you lucky girl (in terms of highflying)?

    6. Zara’s mama: I am back already, i don’t have enough time to go Paris. I need to rush back for Emily’s bday. 😛

    7. This is sad post leh….sad for you that you lost your camera and sad for the lost girl Mag!

    8. Loosing a camera probably is no big deal but loosing the photos u taken with the camera memory card is definitely a big boo boo!

    9. Have already put the banner and a post in my blog.

    10. Sad to hear that u lose ur camera…and most sad is if the photos all gone!