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New Kindy For Tim
Finally after much procrastination, my hubby and I have moved Tim to a new kindy run by my church. The reason we procrastinated was because we need to plan for transportations and babysitter arrangement for Tim. The new kindy only run half day and the other half he will go to the babysitter. We were very glad after a long negotiation that Emily’s babysitter decided to take care of him.
Why did we change his school? We saw no progression or development in Tim. He didn’t speak to any of the teachers and he is not reading. To top it all, the school gave him plenty of homework and there is no interest in him to do any of it. Worst is the syllabus is so advanced and Tim having a hard time to catch up. The teacher just let him be and did nothing to solve the problem. When my hubby had 1-1 with the teacher, the teacher didn’t give him a solution or plan to improve the situation.
I must say that Tim’s learning curve is slow and he needs more attention to learn. Now I have to tutor him in reading and spelling after work. Tell me at what age does boys learn to spell?
6 Responses to “New Kindy For Tim”
Vien said on August 1st, 2007 at 3:08 am
I guess each child’s learning curve is different. It’s good that both of you have decided to change Tim’s school. I hate to see teachers who have no solution to a child’s problem. That shows how disinterest they are to each child’s development. Let’s hope the new kindy works well for Tim.
Mamajo said on August 1st, 2007 at 10:26 am
I think around 5-6 yrs old for the spelling….guess, being a parent is totally not easy at all…we got task to make sure our kids survive in this world – prepare them with all those skills…. aiyah…. :wall:
i also not sure what age wor…But pray Tim will be better in the new kindy..Let us know yar..
chinnee said on August 1st, 2007 at 3:01 pm
dono whats wrong with our today’s kiasu education system. all the syllabus so hard one. Pity our kids only !!!! * so sad*
Jesslyn said on August 1st, 2007 at 10:58 pm
No fix age, sorry…but dun worry lar, boys always learn slower than girl. Did u notice most of your male classmate age 13 and above more smarter than female?
slavemom said on August 2nd, 2007 at 4:00 pm
5 or 6 yo, I suppose.. since most kindy oni intro spelling test at that stage. Hope the new kindy can maximise his potential better.